Aw Darn, I done Annexed Your Apricots!

Illuminati Ganga Agent 86
Published in
6 min readJun 4, 2024
The Scoundrel Caught annexing Apricots, darn ye!

Good Morning, I am saddened to report that while you slept I replaced all the twitter embeds with screenshots, I had to do it, they were so darn laggy. Also I ate the last of your cereal! It was grrrrr-ate!

The Scoundrel stealing your cereal!

But now on to the main event, that’s right — it’s another trip down memory lane where the Scoundrel who steals fruit and apologizes insincerely picks up all the delicious little poetic parodies and wordclouds them (the most trivial and useless form of visualization), since this all happened a long time ago and is happening again let’s look how much of that swiftly vanishing internet has hung on for us!

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So the first was UK Authors writing community — how does it look?

For shame, UK Authors, you have let your fruits wither on the vine, and now there is nothing left on your plate but desolation!

Even worse — The Internet Archive never archived this url.

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What’s this? Well to the Scoundrel’s great and everlasting shame he has over time dabbled in the art of parody as well — as detailed in the original article that laid out the history of this project

Of course entering into the realm of authoring parodies myself led in the end to self-referentiality

In this case the parodies were two zombie poems

zombies 1

So much depends on where the people live

And where they die,

Next to the crematory or the swamp


zombies 2

so much depends on whether you get the lumbering slow zombies

or the super quick climb up walls move at the speed of light ones

beside the locked cage of weapons

and the dead-end alley with unclimbable walls.

which, I’d just like to point out — both of those observations are very, very true!

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More parodies found at Teenink

As you’ll remember I found a bunch last time too

Perhaps there is something about being a teen that attracts one to writing passive aggressive sorry / not sorry poems to tape to people’s refrigerators, who knows?

The Scoundrel knows, me, that’s who! Haven’t you even been paying attention! Damn, if you had some plums to steal they would be so gone right about now!

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And this wordcloud was taken from a site and a page on that site which still exists!

Please visit and reward them for their constancy. As for me, I have taken their poems, because I am so cold and devilishious.

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This one was a post on LanguageHat

LanguageHat is a blog of someone who’s really into languages —

My name is Steve Dodson; I’m a retired copyeditor currently living in western Massachusetts after many years in New York City.

And like that other blog we often take the fruits of — MakingLight — the people who visited and commented here just had to make the parodies of this is just to say.

But in this case The Internet Archive does come to the rescue —

Unfortunately much of what that link discusses is not found but here are the various poems:

Babelfish translation of So much Depends into Korean and back

Lapse in the rain adjacent waters which depends in the deep-red wheel grave the wheel me in the side of the white chicken


Babelfish translation of So Much Depends into Portuguese and back

thus very it depends in top of a red stand on hand of the wheel vitrified with water on rain to the side of the white hen

A quoted poem from a book of poetry of grade kid children

Sorry But it was Beautiful by Andrew Vecchione (6th Grade)

Sorry I took your money and burned it
but it looked like the world falling
apart when it crackled and burned.
So I think it was worth it after all
you can’t see the world fall apart
every day.

Affiliate link to the book from which this poem comes, written by Kenneth Koch (famous American poet, not Koch brother) about teaching poetry to kids follows below

Another fine outing of the Scoundrel, some poems were taken, some apologies delivered semi-believably, and finally, a nice playlist from the Agents of Illuminati Ganga at the Hitmagist

