
A plunders from B the goods of C, and for compensation B picks the pocket of D.

Beatles: I’m a Loser


Categories: 3, 8,9

Notes: there was not really enough story here to say it had narrative. It was also not really energetic but it was sort of unsettling, like a creepy horror as opposed to a jump scare horror.

Just before this dream, or else I dreamed this part as well, I was thinking of an article I read in which Joan Baez recounted having gone a night to stay at the Beatles hotel room and was staying in John Lennon’s hotel room in which they nearly had sex but didn’t because Lennon was just being polite and he had already been fooked just downstairs and so was rather tired. I mean I know I read this article in the past, I just am not sure if I was thinking about it before falling asleep or I dreamt I was thinking of it. I actually think now that I dreamt it because I fell asleep about 8 and I woke up at 10 so it seems I must have dreamt remembering it.

Note: link to article recounting the story, although probably not the one Agent remembers reading

Then there was a scene of Lennon, in black Beatles garb, having sex with a 60s type girl (fan of Beatles), it was in black and white and was a very short fragment.

Then there was some sort of vague moralist complaining that the subtext of Norwegian Wood showed how Lennon was a bad person who when he could not get his way behaved violently, and that if he was not a rapist Norwegian Wood showed he was an incipient one.I don’t remember any particular scenery with this, and it was probably only a few seconds. I’m not very much prone to caring about moralists, I think I have encountered this interpretation before.

Then was the bulk of the dream, felt like I was deeper in it. Lennon is going to a party at some rich person’s house, there is supposed to be a satanic ritual like the one in the Archive but he does not take part in it, instead he steals a sheet of song lyrics from a black box in a private study with bookshelves, and primitive weapons hanging on the walls, and then he gets out of there to go back to the Studio.

George Martin is waiting for him there, it transpires that he sent Lennon to the party to steal this particular song, and then they record a demo tape version of the song which is “I’m a Loser”.

In the middle of the demo tape I woke up.- the demo was really good too, much rawer and energetic than the one from the record.

The Beatles performing I’m a Loser on Shindig.




Published in luminasticity

A plunders from B the goods of C, and for compensation B picks the pocket of D.

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