Fisher of Time

Illuminati Ganga Agent 86
Published in
3 min read6 days ago

Fisherman casting along the bank of time

My Line in an ellipse bends to the right

the current is strong, I can catch

only the future.

The Salmon leaping straight forward

into its past

ignores my lure

Luckily time is fed by a stream

from a. seeded lake

looks like we’ll have trout tonight

So tough reeling in a lively form

Even from the Future’s water

The Past can be resilient

You, while I have been wastrel of my time

Lazily reclined against the grass

waiting what comes at last

Made yourself busy gathering berries

brewed coffee on the open campfire

you -

I can’t help but laugh with all this

And the wonderment is that I laugh

not at you but myself, a laugh

for seeing how stupid I am, dumb

A righteous fool; nothing bitter in

the laughter that knows itself.

I have striven against my own delirium

like an idiot fighting the sea

but I think these strange orthodoxies you do

are doing alright by me.

This poem was found folded up very neatly in a waistcoat of many colors, along the banks of a river in a universe on the edge of the potential universes we can reach from our particular point in space and time.

It was brought to Agent 81, who placed it under lock and seal, awaiting some possible future event of its writing

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This is not very like the poetry of Agent 18, the agent who writes most of the poetry on here.

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