It’s Groundhog day, it’s always Groundhog day.

Well, It’s Groundhog Day — Again, Again it’s that day.

Illuminati Ganga Agent 86
6 min readSep 20, 2023


A bemused Bill Murray, caught at the beginning of the time loop addresses the camera to let us know things are sort of weird for him

What the heckeroonie peoples! I just got out of that one groundhog day scenario where people kept offering me food that needed Ketchup but I couldn’t use any Ketchup with the food!! I could have starved!

So I woke up this morning — 214 mornings ago — I got a message from my ex — Jeanie Van Damn

We had an exciting, vibrant relationship which was 60% great sex and 39% me getting assaulted, and 1% bank robbery.

It figures when we broke up she would increase the rate of bank robbery.

So she sends me a text from jail, how she got the phone in? A gentleman does not ask.

Of course as a “MAN” I can’t send a text. heh heh.

Maybe that ex of mine is bad news…

Ok well I just bailed my ex out so I guess I can do go back, but hey this looks exciting I guess I go take a look see

Standing at the stairways of love, looking at the darkness below…
You know what would be cool, it would be cool if they made a horror movie and the title was just “Nope” that would be pretty cool.

WOW, there is a lot of cool stuff down here

WAIT — something’s coming!!



Wait — not this agan!

I’m detecting a pattern here..

Of course as a “MAN” I can’t send a text. heh heh.
You’ve got to get me out of here, it’s a double inverted groundhog day loop, I’m largely innocent!

Ok maybe I can make this work out this time

in the end am I the spider spinning the web, or instead trapped in a vaster more complicated web spun by some spider more dangerous and venomous than I am?!?

Also — what does all this have to do with Sarasota?

The preceding posts were delivered on audio tape from a dead letter drop in the 1990s, and was recently reconstructed to show a clear data pattern. Decrypting the data pattern allowed us to extra the messages displayed above and a single signature

— IG Agent 9

Advanced Space Leprosy

One time I was in love with a guy but he ended up having advanced space leprosy so we broke up, it was sort of a bad breakup. Feelings were hurt, but then some years later I got a text

So despite his awful space leprosy I thought there might be something still there, I remembered nobody could make me laugh like he could. It was a deep, paranoid laugh that lasted slightly too long and verged too close to madness.

It was a madness redolent of the swamplands, of forbidden rituals and murder. A laugh like the devil, freed of all restrictions. Yep, he sure could make me laugh, so I wanted to see him again.

So I went out front to wait for him

What’s that? I have to go downstairs

to return to my ex?


Stupid inverted doubled up groundhog day.

Your Ex Sends a Text- I’m possessed by a demon, you in turn gaze into the abyss, realizing we’re all going to die. Time Loop Reset

— IG Agent 27


As you will no doubt have noticed we referenced tweets from the following people who are not members of Illuminati Ganga — check them out

non-aesthetic things — @PicturesFoIder

non-aesthetic things is the best page in the world. As far as pages go this one is 10 times better than any squire you would want to put against it. This page smokes the damn squires.

Damien Scott — @MadScientistFF

Creating Engagment One Tweet At a Time… I Ask Questions You Want to Answer.

WiseConnector — @wiseconnector

Relatable, engaging & interactive posts.

Papa Woof und Krampus und Bleaken — @woofknight

eclectic creature of the night, loves cooking, horror & spending time with those I love. Enjoying life and making the best of it. #FFBMovieNight #WerewolfChef

CCTV IDIOTS — @cctvidiots

Exposing idiots behavior from all over the world caught on camera.

