Jacking that Jackfruit

Illuminati Ganga Agent 86
Published in
5 min readMay 16, 2024

A Brief Interlude In The Raiding of Your Icebox

This is just to say

I have eaten

the plums

that were in the icebox

And which you were probably saving for breakfast

Forgive me they were so delicious and so cold

Well that was fun, but here I am again stealing your fruit, leaving you notes, playing the eternal happy game of sorry I took your plums!

Who did I steal from this time?

Pure and innocent Margaret C — the Scoundrel has come for your poetic parodies!

This is just to say

That I lost

The shoe

That you made

For me Yesterday

I was running

Away from

The ball

When I slipped

I am not sorry

Because it was

very uncomfortable

And besides

I wanted


Dang, that cold! How much sharper than a teen’s bunion is the parody of a 20th Century Poet!

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Yes, the poems of young Nadia Flanovsky have fallen prey to the Scoundrel who steals fruit and apologizes insincerely!

I dropped your iPhone5
And cracked the screen

You probably just bought it
It looked very pretty
And new

Please excuse me
It had no case
And I had two messages
Which I did get to answer

Nadia, if you’re still out there, I’m still out here, with your poem, which I took, and wordclouded — the least impressive form of visualization — and I just wanted to say that maybe mistakes were made? Maybe I shouldn’t have wordclouded the parodies, who can say?! The world is a cold and lonely place where two people, one of them a fruit stealing, insincere apologizing bot, hardly ever get a second chance of saying OOPS. My bad.

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Another post on teenink — Megan C! Or was it Margaret C!?! Maggie C!!?


but is she there!? Nope, it is 404. Now nothing remains of the parody that was slipped in scrapbooks in a thousand lockers but the visualization of the scoundrel and some lazy semi-lucid apologizing.

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Another poem from Making Light — and this one doesn’t need any special trips to archive.org to resolve —

from JNH

This is just to say

Someone has eaten the

Chocolate Dipped Strawberries

I has left in the icebox at work

I was saving them for this evening

to eat before my class

They left the empty box in the fridge

and didn’t even leave a poem

that was so cold

Sounds like JNH had a visit from the Scoundrel — how nice!

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What’s this one all about? Well I put the texts of William Carlos Williams “This is Just To Say” and “The Red Wheelbarrow” into http://www.gizoogle.net/textilizer.php and this is what came out of it

I have eaten
the plums
that was in
the icebox

and which
you was probably
for breakfast

Forgive me
they was delicious
so dope
and so cold


so much depends

a red wheel

glazed wit rain

beside tha white

underwhelming, like so many of these parodies, and it was all automated!

This has been another outing of the Scoundrel who has trampled up and down and eaten everybody’s fruit and stolen their poems and been a boorish shouty person because wah-wah-wah.

As Usual — The Hitmagist has provided some musical accompaniment

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And Some Non IG Jack Fruit Articles

the first inspiration for the Scoundrel to act badly here!

