Leftover Poems

Illuminati Ganga Agent 86
Published in
2 min readMar 10, 2023

These following small poems were written by Agent 18 but were considered not suitable the themes of the books he is working on, but still considered worth publishing.


The mosquito’s strutted legs

sway lightly on the sleeping shoulder

sweet the passion of your dreams

injected with its fever.


If literature was a bomb

this poem would be mixed in the kitchen sink

using common everyday household ingredients.

mailed to a minor bureaucrat

of no importance

maybe to a functionary

representative of a system

no explosion can erase

a system words cannot clarify

Every Move you Make

Honey, I know what makes you

move in the night

bringing the old cardboard boxes

surreptitiously out to the car

as I stand watch through

these dusty blinds

These poems were written by IG Agent 18 who is currently working on his second collection of Poems — working title Mercuric Distillations.

His previous book of poems, The Mixtape of Taliesin can be found on Amazon:

