Lewd Poems


Illuminati Ganga Agent 86
2 min readMay 21, 2024


My Cock will dissimulate sputum

from the Pillars of Society

to the Martian Rover

Your lesser poets brag, my boys

but lack my lewd notoriety

Hyperborean, to wreck positively over.

Assuming Costume

She Loved Peacocks,

gaudy bird,

ridiculous in form

primitive their finery, I

forgetting dignity

discarding taste

sported feathers for a year

and blushed a decade after

The Mental Infatuation

one bright summer day

burning the sky and rooftops

she sat at the cafe’s table

and waited me

My step, her cartoon moon of a smile

cast that famous twilight

poets die maddened with

These poems are some uncollected works of IG Agent 18.

IG Agent is the author of the epic poem cycle

The Mixtape Of Taliesin

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