Memetic Conquest

Illuminati Ganga Agent 86
Published in
4 min readApr 7, 2024

Bad Artists Copy, Good Artists Steal, and Desperate Artists Plagiarize.

This subtitle is a pithy summation of the types of memetic conquest one commonly encounters.

The evolutionary model of cultural information transfer is based on the concept that memes — units of information — have an independent existence, are self-replicating, and are subject to selective evolution through environmental forces.

When a bad artist copies they have been conquered by a memetic expression, even casual observers from without look at it and think “oh, that is like this previous work by another person, it is copied”

When a good artist steals they in fact conquer the memetic expression themselves by making such a great and powerful version of it that casual observers will note it and think that they are the originators of the idea.

When a good artist has conquered a memetic expression even those who know the expression came from someone else before will only see this as an interesting footnote. It is the artist who has conquered that holds primacy.

Nobody cares about Johann Gottlieb Goldberg (who?), they only care about Johann Sebastian Bach (oh yeah, love his Goldberg Variations!).

Was Bach himself just a Goldberg Variation — or why do all these white guys look alike!?

Desperation is often taken to mean that one cannot meet a deadline or get past writer’s block of some sort and thus in desperation, turns to the stealing of other works in the whole and placing them within one’s own writing, to flesh it out and make it whole, like the second and maybe third steps of a Russian Doll, only each doll is of a different series and they do not merge in the way they should.

But really it is often a more wide ranging form of desperation, a desperation of the soul that causes you to lose context, and the things that are in your mind do not anymore seem to be something you encountered elsewhere, the instead seem to bubble up from the same well of creativity as your own ideas. because the desperate mind is deluded and unable to tell where it ends and others begin.

Do not create with either form of desperation in play.

In essence plagiarism is a failed memetic conquest of both type 1 and 2 — failure of type 1 because if successful the idea would inhabit your mind fully, in your own words, but it does not — it only inhabits the mind in the original words and of what use is that?

And a failure of type 2 because nobody thinks the plagiarized work belongs to the plagiarist, which is the point of stealing well at any rate.

Memetic Conquest is the Goal of Illuminati Ganga

When Agent 61, also known as Jorge Luis Borges, wrote up the details of a memetic incursion on his reality

He understood that the first form of Memetic conquest, that which infected the open mind, could be militarized, that at a large enough level memetic expressions and the understanding of reality they imply could, if they infested whole populations, change the world.

Thus when he say the incursions of Tlön and Uqbar on our reality, he resolved to conquer those incursions in turn. He took over the ideas that were being implanted into the public discourse and thus controlled the worl that was coming, nobody anymore believed that these secret texts were being sent into our reality by anyone but Borges! This was one of the great defeats for Ayhua, the psychedelic alien telepath that lives in the Brazillian rainforest and has been attempting to conquer humanity for generations.

Illuminati Ganga will conquer humanity instead, through Memetic Means, keeping us free of Alien manipulation.

All Hail Illuminati Ganga!

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