Mormon Cataclysms and The Utah Quartets

Illuminati Ganga Agent 86
Published in
9 min readJan 7, 2023

These poems were written by IG Agent 18 evidently at the end of the writing of the The Mixtape of Taliesin obviously they hit some of the same notes as the Utah Quartets in that book so there was no room for them in there, but they were also dropped from the Mercuric Distillations book ( to be released 2023) because it was felt that they did not fit there (fitting more with the Utah Quartets from the Mixtape of Taliesin) but also that they were not as powerful and as fully realized as The Utah Quartets, after some discussion among various members of Illuminati Ganga it has been okayed to release these poems as an essential insight to the creative process of IG Agent 18 at the time of writing The Mixtape of Taliesin and its centering masterpiece The Utah Quartets.

Mormon Cataclysms I

O ridged & poignant Avenues

Cerulean and Paint-

Brush cobalt which brushed the waves

To weave Atlantean Fabulae

That wove over untrammeled brow

Where swam azure opiate fantasies

O as if a mass of dreadlocked curls

Greasily swirled a stainless comb

Then shook, & fell, & falling broke

Fine strands of bleached out summer light

In weightless latter days which drift

Streams of mountain bikes & microblades

& brush the clean from unclean

& cool from uncool

O brush dirt-specks off jacket collars

In airy rooms where clavichords

Are strung by wholesome women

While on the partytide one sifts

The glister of a compliment

From troubled flow of anecdotes

Combing talk even back

Then parts that on each side

Till less than the sand is left

& that sand brushed clean of grain

O brush the brain of limpid thought

Set words in bubbled soap to float

Between our scoured ears

Till this insipid babbling pops

O cleanse the brain of every thought

Let sea sure come glomming on

In gleam of algae blue & green

Drown square yards of Bishop’s pawns

Rex yaps about the sprinkled lawn

Where soon Mermaids in play may undulate

Yes! Neptune’s favored odalisques

Clattering combs of pearl & ivory

Tangled true in tangled hair

While boys with lightblue anchors

Tattooed upon their scrawny arms

Beat tambourines with salted palms

& shout Hosanna, Hosanna in the salty street

Where soon saintless Mermaids snakily swim

While enthralled, enslaved Missionaries

Shall blow the conch between their thighs

Singing verse & chapter in chantey rhymes

& sighing on a bed of undone oyster shell

When ding-dong of rusty antique bells

Clefs a tinny ear awake

Netted by the floating detritus

Of your yawning prattle

We can see why this poem was dropped, it has a number of similarities to The Hierophant, an early poem in The Suit of Spades, for example this part

Unknown, among the deep cafes

young maidens delicately scaled

silver & ultramarine

read DADA without expression

as pink bubbles are blown

from their slightly parted lips

& I hear their sensual nonsense

within a Nautilus trumpet.

Aside from that I think all of the Mormon Cataclysms have a very bad mood to them, a feeling of cynicism and contempt for the world, which might very well be fitting to the concept of Cataclysms or perhaps even Mormonism itself. The Mixtape of Taliesin can at times be bleak or wild or despairing, but even when it sort of tries for it at the end of the Book of Diamonds it is not ever really mean-spirited. These poems are somewhat cold and mean-spirited, even though full of interesting word choices and having a nice rhythmic sense (as makes sense given the time frame in which they were written), and this is why I have to agree that Agent 18’s decision to leave them out of both The Mixtape of Taliesin and Mercuric Distillations was a sound one.

Mormon Cataclysms II

Vanity of compact vanities

& chrome-shine European compact

On sunnyday in minor drizzle

That beads the beads of dirty windows

& Fizzled on the tarry roofs

Like a jeweler’s bag of polished stones

Dropt on a muddy puddle-top

In this frame, appearance

Of a length of mirrored glass

Across which, as it moved

Slid a peopled flow

Stopping at a soft, young man

Whose softness mirrored soft young women

Of Solomon’s vainglorious court

So full & reflective his lips

That the reveals a pair

Of hidden pinking shears

To cut unfrayed image from its frame

& all the views that mirror held

Bled dumbly down the street; O

Polyhedral mirrors drip-drop

Into blinking convex mirrors

& every million rainbowed image

An image of millennium -

Down a distension of sugared mirror

runs & on the rounded tip

Of mirror a Mandala of Sun -

Paned mirrors, oil-stained, cover

Blue of sun-strained constrained mirrors

Might the furor of some Occulist

Blight the fitness of our vision?

What hides behind a mirror’s sparkled skin -

mirrored polish of a skull

Image of a puzzle,

The scarlet flow of mirrors pulled

Into wire of liquid twizzler

Silver of a million mirrors

All reflecting on themselves.

I quite hate this poem actually, it reminds me sort of the third quartet in The Utah Quartets, with its images of a lovely, sunny day apocalypse


Partitioned like an orange

some Dunce might serve

Sundays hot afternoon on the back porch

flies buzzing bout the slice -

only not as well done. Here it makes me think a major work has been finished — The Utah Quartets — and now the poet does not know exactly what to do with themselves, so they go back trying to hit that same nail again from a different angle, but he didn’t need to hit it.

Aside from that the imagery is not as nice, not as precise, not as cold as ice while describing a world on fire as the third quartet — compare this section

A flash of fire & flowers

on swishing skirts

round dancer’s legs -

An apparition of Natural Sense

Consumes the crowd by her confidence.



Christmassied by flares & smoke

or 4th of July-ed with whirry sparks

Beneath the dark unfolding plan

A vision of Universal Beauty

Becomes Supreme

& Utterly Evil

I feel everything is better in the third quartet, and again Agent 18 was correct to shelve this poem, even though it has some interest in regards to the creative process.

Mormon Cataclysms III

Let us go,

Let us go now before engagements overtake us

To the cold homes of concentric Aunts

Whose bowed hair cusped by snow

Makes us regret what we do not

Oh, Lemonade on porch-swings

Is bitter, & the ice of blue unswerving -

Unseeing eyes which follow

The things unseeing eyes must follow

Are like the squeaking of an unoiled chain

Or thin squeaking of encyclical complaints

When the wind blows through pursed lips

Back & forward on the old chair

Fanning body against air

As Mind will fan memory

Or tapwater hold arthritic fingers

Illusory as forgotten name, unnameable experience

As the transitory thought

That something was, or was not


I find this the only poem of the Mormon Cataclysms that can compete with any of the top or even medium rank poems in The Mixtape of Taliesin ( there are about 4 poems that are not up to the rest of the book that maybe should be dropped — personal opinion here though — perhaps I shall write about that later), the main drawback here is the start with its strong callback to the Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock; aside from that I am also somewhat on the fence regarding the word ‘concentric’ — on the one hand it seems a silly malapropism/wordplay which Agent 18 is sometimes attracted to at the wrong moment, on the other hand it seems the perfect word in relation to the theme mental decay and senility — the Aunt is concentric because of her age; her mind and all its thoughts and memories has circled in on itself.

On later edit — and what is the meaning of the encyclical complaints. An encyclical is a letter from the Pope, but obviously not the case here. I suppose it has some implication of religious connection to this Aunt, a Mormon connection that is not made clear, but also the word encyclical implies recurrence and once again, circularity. So, some more wordplay that is not as clear or to the point as the wordplay one would be likely to find in his previously published works.

I think this poem is a really clear bridge between The Mixtape of Taliesin and the forthcoming Mercuric Distillations which I have had occasion to examine.

Mormon Cataclysms IV

Cherry-red of Oxygenated blood

Delights the jaded sense,


In suspension of sunlight -

Mint-edition violence speeds by

& there are not enough shallow superlatives

To envision one’s own end:

The plastic apple’s red

Fuzzed by dust in cellophane

Cornucopia’s horn of molded plenty

Overflows coarse distillate

Of artificial plum and grape,

As juices enstale living rooms

Sprayed from aerosol cans -

Or hung on copper flower hooks.

We have lived through homiletic books;

Our thoughts proverbial, our joys

A prestidigitated psalmistry -

Desire a plea for the absence

Of desire

Hope only a procrastinated transcendence

Of this terrestrial fire

Burning in the pit of our own triviality.

Another attempt to hit that apocalypse button for the acerbic thrill it returns. But again, I prefer the apocalypses of The Mixtape of Taliesin because better described, more fully apocalyptic, and yet also somehow more hopeful.

This article was written by IG Agent 84, but the poems were written by IG Agent 18.

Note from IG Agent 84 -

An earlier version of this article was published with “Four Quartets” in the title instead of “Utah Quartets” obviously I was already thinking of T.S Elliott what with Mormon Cataclysms #3, but also because of course Quartets is such a strong reference it gets in your head. My apologies.

The Mixtape of Taliesin can be found here

You can read more about the Poetry of Illuminati Ganga here

