
Illuminati Ganga Agent 86
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5 min read4 days ago

Faced with the blank face of paper the hand stays its mind and unthinks action, still there is some brutal instinct in the nerves that drives penpoint to tear the page with words and prey the bloody ground of possibility. Perhaps the staying hand is similar to the bright-eyed tiger across a pool arousing mind to leap when eyeing unaware fawn; perhaps the staying hand is akin to God who must surely have hesitated before saying let there be light and despoiling darkness.

Let there be ink to despoil whiteness: Paper. How many basic human inventions combine to make man-made reality? Paper is a huge phyla with multiple ontogenes recapitulating defined parameters.

My occupation brings me in daily contact iwth the main line in Paper evolution, writing paper. I am a writer. My yearly use of writing paper exceeds that of the non-literary population of Pagan, Utah.

To verify this by your own senses you may look up my name in the library of Congress: Anonymous. And check the number of listed publications, then multiply the pages in each publication by a factor of five to see exactly how much paper I have filled by hand in my time. Impressive, economical, I am always on the lookout for new sources of Paper.

Portrait of the Author as a Young Paperphile

Once, in a small bookstore in Arkham, a short ways from Miskatonic University I stumbled upon a rare volume of critical writings regarding the influence of Paper on eliciting literary creativity.

I reproduce the following paragraph so that you may hopefully assume as I have assumed thereupon:

“…None but a fellow poet might understand the urge to buy a new notebook, even there may be ten blank ones lying at home. Notebooks, by their shape, size, coloration, and quality of paper contrive in the poet’s mind equivalent varieties, psychology can be molded by environment as well as heredity and whereas poetic heredity is made of the ideas and tropes of ancestral plottings environment in detail is mostly composed of Paper.

Blank and empty paper stimulate poetic fantasies the same as the complete paper of a porn mag stimulates masturbation.

Incomposed by this flight of analysis I left the store, carrying. in my eidtetic memory what I had browsed therein, seemingly compelled to hunt for some other business catering to the needs of the papyrophilic customer.

I soon found an outlet of palimpset and began hunting thru the art papers, what mystic actuation moved me into that Lacunae of poorly sized, graded and bound papers I can only guess but it is in the writer’s nature to drift always, hoping to be swept up in a tide of clarification.

Apart from its hack relations sat a book, beat-up, with a title on it

The Notebook Found in Sarasota

The Notebook itself detailed the story of an Agent of Illuminati Ganga, an interesting coincidence, Agent 88 (I think I met him one time, he was doing some assassination work for my family, extremely competent at his job but otherwise an absolute idiot!) who was informally assigned by a superior to watch another agent that looked to be going rogue in Sarasota after exposure to some disturbing media from an alternate Earth — the details of this part are somewhat hazy.

But forget all that — The Paper! The Paper was sublime, slightly thicker than normal paper making for easy page turning, with a subtle off-white coloring and the text… I realized that it looked like Romalian type but that was wrong, it was in fact hand-lettered.

Was this the hand-writing of that idiot?! Probably, he was extremely competent at physical things, perhaps his exactitude in garrotting a blackmailer indicated a similar precision in other areas. At any rate it was beautiful, the writing, the garrotting also in its way I suppose.

I resolved that the book must be mine, and truthfully it was probably required of me as an Agent of Illuminati Ganga to gather it up and have it digitized to be put into our archives, and as there was evidently no price on it I pocketed it and walked out. I was so happy with my find I didn’t even buy any other papers!

