PawPaw Punk

Illuminati Ganga Agent 86
Published in
9 min readMar 7, 2024

Yes, as you no doubt are aware the Scoundrel when he is out around and about likes to hum a tune, he likes to hum about what he is looking for

𝄃𝄃𝄃𝄃𝄃 Look for the Bare Necessities, the simple bare necessities
Forget about your worries and your strife
I mean the bare necessities, old mother nature’s recipes
That bring the bare necessities of life

Wherever I wander, wherever I roam
I couldn’t be fonder of your big home
The plums are delicious in the icebox
The notes are filled with platitudes
You can tell by the way I walk and talk
I’ve just got a winning attitude, oh yeah𝄐𝄐𝄐

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Another parody from MakingLight this one a Robert Frost poem by Abi

Two roads diverged (as they so often do)

Not in a yellow wood, nor anywhere

Where I could look down each, and muse, and stare,

Compare the leaves and how the grasses grew.

Indeed, there was no choosing when they split—

I didn’t really see the fork at all.

It’s only looking back that I recall

There was a better way, back there a bit.

I could be telling this, in ages hence,

And sigh for roads not taken, chances lost.

But pausing to regret has its own cost

In present choices missed at my expense.

What I intended once, I cannot be,

But I am all that’s possible for me.

The difference between Frost and Williams for me is I used to dislike both of them, but at some point I started to find Frost interesting, Williams however still sucks. Personally I need my poets to have some strong musicality to them and Williams doesn’t have any. Sorry Williams.

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I just decided to link this in the off case that somebody was ever considering going down the road less traveled, now that I’m busy parodying divergent roadtrips I need to be up on these kinds of things you know.

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Some More MakingLight parodies — but now at an actual thread so not the comments pages which means no silly going and trying to find stuff on

The first is by David Delaney

this is just to say
i have opened
the icebox
the plums were in

an abyss of light
which you were
probably saving
for revelation
shone out

Forgive me
I put in a webcam
and shut the door
to see if it became
an abyss of darkness

it was experimental
and bold

funny enough our last outing had some parodies from David Delaney on Making Light — but not this one!

The next by Bill Stewart

This is just to say

He has opened
a restaurant
that was named
after the poem

and which
you were probably
would scan

Forgive me
this was topical
so recent
and so obvious

which was in reference to this restaurant opening

Unfortunately it turns out the Chef of this place did not kill a bunch of guests while being worked like a marionette by a psychotic Rat, too bad, I love it when a theme comes together but it was not to be it seems.

And the final poem on this open thread, by salixulon

This is just to say (with apologies to William Carlos Williams)

We have purchased
the iPads
that were in
the pipeline

and which
you were probably
for other markets

Forgive us
they were magical
so new
and so cool

I know salixulon apologized to William Carlos Williams but I don’t think they meant it.

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Well here we are some more parodies harvested from the once rich fields of MakingLight — but as you know the page does not resolve (at this point in time, they were working on it but it looks like it has gone dark, when you go there there are no comments for a site that was always in the hundreds if not the thousands.

They do say here things will improve

This time next year, we’ll bring back the Greek, Old Church Slavonic, three kinds of Swedish, Haitian, Icelandic, and Quenya. Right now, they don’t render. They will, in the Making Light to come.

Just a little longer. It’s dark, but the dark never lasts. We’ll see you in 2024, in a world where commenting works, special character sets render, the fishing is great, and young folks know all the best jokes.

Watch the skies.

Well anyway, this is why I’m just a nameless cog in a giant machine known as Illuminati Ganga, a cog that at this moment has to deal with the poems of the Modesto Kid from MakingLight — retrieved from

This is just to say

I have mentioned
on the thread
anent gnomes

I will be banished
as a
comment spammer

Forgive me
I could not resist
the sweet
sweet spam

Who doesn’t like spam, probably psychotic mass-murdering cooks who think they’re artists

Think about it, he didn’t even like S’mores, what chance does sweet, sweet spam have?

This is Just to Say

I have trapped
the mice
that were in
the underworld

and which
you were probably
for tv.

Forgive me
they were bothersome
so squeaky
and so pestilent.

Are mice normally pestilent? Anyhow if it had been rats it could have tied in to the earlier spam response because then I could tie it in to our next upcoming movie

Yes, it all makes sense Remy a young rat of genius who has seen his whole tribe and family run off into the sewers by cruel and vicious humans hatches an revenge scheme to kill all humans

What a Great IDEA, the scoundrel can get behind killing all the humans. But afterwards, who will I send my contrite passive aggressive sorry not sorry note to?

Well anyway there were only two poems by the Modesto kid. So that’s that. O tempora, o mores

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It’s funny because this jerk is sitting up there making stupid parody poems while I’m out trying to do stupid visualizations of stupid parody poems, it’s like the sisyphean task of some guy who keeps doing the same pointless task for ever, don’t tell me I’ll think of the guy’s name eventually.

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A goodreads link

It has a quote of a previously considered parody — that of Kenneth Koch which was handled easily in a previous outing of the scoundrel

here the extra new poem is

Forgive My Chopped Plums

I chopped down your plum, the one you congratulated yourself on.
Forgive me. It’s almost ten o’clock.
And your lines look so inviting.

We laughed at Williams together.
And then I wrote this mocking plum.
Forgive me. I dreamt I knew what I was doing.

I gave away your plums for free, the ones that are under your copyright
for fifty years after your death. The Internet is just so delicious
and sweet and cold.

Last evening I danced to your lyrics and broke down
your plums. I was clumsy and I wanted you here
in my blog where I am the writer!

by Justine Camacho-Tajonera — good job, Justine! Your poems have been captured by the dastardly scoundrel who shall do with them as he will, basically to make visualizations of robots doing weird shit with a wordcloud of your poems floating above them — sorry, what can you do, this is the internet.

OK, that’s for this outing, now I shall mosey on down the road of life strewn with fruit and poetry, humming my song

Look for the bare necessities, the simple bare necessities
Forget about your worries and your strife
I mean the bare necessities
That’s why a Scoundrel can rest at ease
With just the bare necessities of life

Now when you steal a paw-paw or a prickly pear
And someone calls you a prick, well, next time beware

When you’re out there stealing fruit, and visualizing parodies
Act a bit cute to give your victims a little tease
with passive aggressive notes full of well-writ apologies
That’s how your Scoundrel foregoes worries and strife
saying sorry I stole the bare necessities of life!

The Agents at the Hitmagist have made us another great playlist for this outing of the scoundrel — enjoy!


As you will no doubt have noticed we referenced tweets from someone who is not a member of Illuminati Ganga — check them out

Nazareth Bergeron

Author, technophile, photographer of the boring variety, fluffy slippered cosmonaut with a penchant for chihuahuas

Papa Woof und Krampus und Bleaken

Eclectic creature of the night, loves cooking, horror & spending time with those I love. Enjoying life and making the best of it.

Previous Outings

And of Course — The Original!

