Selection Mixtape of Taliesin — The Tower

Illuminati Ganga Agent 86
Published in
2 min readAug 23, 2022

Since we will be doing a more in depth look at the parts of The Mixtape of Taliesin we will also do some selections of poems, in my opinion about Agent 18s work The Tower, a ‘Tarot’ poem in the suit of clubs is the first really great poem that is also accessible to a large number of readers. Here it is.


There is only one plan in the seed

& endless permutations -

From the Onion of the Crocus

A sheath loosens;


& green blades lengthen.

At the root of it all there always lies

A mountain stream, Ophelia’s hair

In spreading vines along the depth

But even the most startling edifice

Ever built, cannot efface

Its own eventual ruin

As the whining ghost will turn

Within your proudest living glance

Weeds twist thru the Tomb’s grasp

While Rime scours at the Gatetower

& rust enfolds the Gate….

There is no dominion but of thought

Making the fever dream of power

A flag of gauze to wave about

& frighten Children — the solid club

Bursts at the Dandelion’s breath

Weasels blunt a moss-worn wall

& ceremonial armor curls

To seem the Locust’s carapace

As our age decays its moon-face

Lenses obscure the clear eye

Seeing from a lessened vantage

A league of vague & formless mist

But even the most evanescent vision

Gainsays self if given time

As in each plan there quickens

A seed of its reversal

So Christ is nailed by his cloven hooves

Wearing on the broad horne of his brow

The symbol of a laurel crown

Note that the poem in The Mixtape of Taliesin has significantly different formatting.

The quoted poem was written by IG Agent 18

Rest of Article Text was written by IG Agent 13.

Graphics responsibility of IG Agent 27.

