Tamarinds Taken! August 2023

Illuminati Ganga Agent 86
Published in
4 min readAug 6, 2023
That scoundrel Fantomas on a Tamarind taking spree!

Again, another parody from MakingLight not currently findable, because lost somewhere in a Movable Type DB or something.

This was however available in the Internet Archive

Which I suggest you donate to


The Parodies that went into it

This is just to say

we have fired
the Berlusconi
you were keeping
in your Parliament

and which
you were probably
saving for

I am sorry,
it was so inevitable
he was such a buffoon
so laughable, and crude.


This is just to say
I have eagerly translated
a poem about preserved fruit
in your storage device
which you were probably saving
for later consumption.

Forgive me,
it was out of copyright
and parodies are protected
by decree of court.


This is just to say

I have grown tired
of the parodies
of that dratted
little poem,

which you
most probably
thought so refined
and enjoyable.

Forgive me
the were boring me
far past the point
of tears.

Which the sentiment of that last poem was really the sentiment that caused the Scoundrel to initially sally forth on his mission to steal all the fruit he could find!


This is just to say
that I have shattered the logic puzzle
you put up on your blog.

I am sorry,
it was so Aristotelian
honest and cold.

So 4 poems by Fragano (obviously a half-French, half- Italian nobleman of some sort) — note that one of them was one of the poems that I said had not been wordclouded in my previous article on this outrageous incident of fruit-theft

More MakingLight, gosh sometimes it seems all those folks did was parody this one poem all day long and sometimes write in archaic English.

This is just to say
I have put the old wine
That you were saving
Into the new I CAN’T DO IT

That’s the spirit Kip W. I couldn’t do it either, it’s wrong, wrong to steal the fruit. That fruit has rotted long ago I tell you!

But even so —

This is just to say

I’ve taken the cake
You took so long to make
And left it out
In the rain

It was wrong, but
I just had to watch
The icing flowing down,
So green.
So sweet.

Wow, so much depends on the green icing of the cake in the rain.


I’ve surrendered
from the Constitution

which you
probably were
to cherish.

Don’t worry
we’re going to be secure
and safe
any minute now

How can anyone be secure in a country where someone can just come along and steal the fruit and then leave one of those non-apology letters on the fridge.

This is just to say
I took that bag of plasma…

Hey, don’t make an effort Kip W. or anything here. Geez!

This is just to say, “This is just to say, ‘This is just to sa



This is just to say
I took your poem.

Finally, some truth from these miscreants!

This Is Just to Say

I have removed
the vowels
that were in
your last post

and which
you probably
to be read

No regrets
you were offensive
so rude
and so smug

This refers back to an arcane and vanished tradition of this mysterious tribe of fruit-filching internetians. If a visitor to the tribe disturbed its revels in some discourteous way they were still allowed to speak but their vowels were removed as punishment.

Finally a NON-MAKINGLIGHT Parody!!!!

I was getting tired of romping through the same orchard, new grounds have been conquered.

But once again we see the disintegration of the Internet of old. This url http://www.scrapbook.com/poems/doc/28885.html no longer leads to a collection of parodies, evidently you are required to identify yourself to get in to this orchard to steal the hidden treasures therein.

And that collection of parodies was at

HAH HAH, he thought he was stealing the fruit but I crept up and took off his picanic basket

