Illuminati Ganga Agent 86
Published in
3 min readSep 22, 2023

Yes, I agree we did the fine, the noble thing: We won the war and liberated the Land. But what did we do for the Land after that?

Much of its cover had been blown away and its stark hills and mountains froze in winter, but we did not clothe the Land; the Land was both hungry and thirsty and its spasmed geology went begging across borders, its bony canyons staggered through our cities, precipices outstretched for coin — yet we turned our backs and set patrols at its outcroppings.

Did the Land lack an education and marketable skills? Curse the Land for obstinacy!

A Well-Tended Land lets the breeze of obedience waft through its submissive trees and rolling, easily traversed hills.

People in the know said they infinitely preferred the Land before it was freed, Lands need a firm hand it was argued, they are little better than Oceans are Lands, and must be constantly tended.

What if a Land after liberation turn bad, the restraints of tyranny removed from its forests? Will the Land, unfettered, indulge its natural ecology and discomfit others? A Land, always before held in check and obstructed in its urges becomes at liberation apt to breed where it should prudently lie waste a time.

I believe it was William Blake who remarked “Excess of energy exhausts, barrenness builds resources”.

I hope I am not alone in wanting to do something for the Land for it is clear things cannot continue in the same shameful and unrestricted manner that they have since we liberated the Land.

This article was written by IG Agent 6.

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