Lumino LMN Tokenomics

Lumino DeFi
Published in
3 min readApr 29, 2024

Following the announcement of our ISPO, quite a few community members were interested in our tokenomics, a demand that we absolutely would like to satisfy for you, so here you go!

Our ISPO (Stage1) launched on epoch 366, with an initial allocation of 500,000 LMN tokens. Here are further details about our LMN token and the tokenomics

LMN Token Utility

LMN token is the heart of Lumino, which acts as a governance token and native utility token for the community and project infrastructure.

At the same time, the LMN token is also the reward payment token of Lumino pool (Astarter AA1). The rewards to users participating in Lumino ISPO stage 1 are in the form of LMN tokens.

LMN tokens staked within the Lumino staking ecosystem can contribute towards merge-staking rewards in the second stage of the ISPO (Merge Staking Protocol). Lumino staking ecosystem is multifaceted with elements and functions that include Launchpad tier level access, Lumino Decentralised Exchange (ADEX) AMM liquidity provisions, Money Market yield generating lending, and collateralized borrowing.

LMN Token Tokenomics

Token Supply and Initial Market Cap

  • Total Supply: 100,000,000
  • Initial Circulating Supply: 7,128,000
  • Initial Market Cap: USD 2,138,400

Token Distribution

  1. Private Sales — 11.93% Private round
  2. Public Sales — 2.05% Public round targeting any interested individuals
  3. Liquidity — 1.02% Liquidity provision and liquidity mining
  4. Marketing — 7% Marketing for Lumino, Building a stronger community and attracting new projects.
  5. Partnerships — 9% Collaboration with Lumino
  6. Ecosystem — 35% rewards and incentives for ecosystem growth
  7. Team — 16% To motivate and compensate Lumino team members for their dedication
  8. Advisors — 5% Advisory remuneration for guiding Lumino towards right direction with long term goal
  9. Legal & Compliance — 4%
  10. Development — 9%

Token Sales

Private Sale

  • Price — $0.3
    Fundraising — $3,500,000

Public Sale

  • Price — $0.5
    Fundraising — $1,000,000

Token Vesting Summary

  • Private Sales
    10% upon exchange listing, 3 months cliff followed by 15 months linear vesting (per block)
  • Public Sales
    30% upon exchange listing, 6 months linear vesting thereafter
  • Liquidity
    100% unblock
  • Marketing
    5% upon exchange listing, 5% per month thereafter
  • Partnerships
    5% upon exchange listing, 5% per month thereafter
  • Ecosystem
    Reserved for liquidity mining on DEX, money market, etc.
    10% upon exchange listing, 2 years linear veting thereafter
  • Team
    Reserved for project team, 6 months cliff followed by 2 years linear vesting
  • Advisors
    6 months cliff followed by 2 years linear vesting
  • Legal & Compliance
    Reserved for project compliance, 1 month cliff followed by 1 year linear vesting
  • Development
    6 months cliff followed by 2 years linear vesting

Thank you for reading and please stay tuned to Lumino social channels for more updates and announcements of events and activities taking place.

Follow this link to join one of our upcoming Lumino open discussion events, or reach out to us in reply to this article for more information.

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Lumino DeFi

A key DeFi hub on Cardano backed by EMURGO & Adaverse