Get back on track before the holidays are over

A guide to using lumio card collections

Viktoria Potoczki
lumio blog
2 min readAug 29, 2017


As we’re coming to the end of summer, it’s time to get ready for the fall as well as the rest of the year (because let’s face it, these four months are gonna go by fast).

While it sounds good to enjoy summer until it ends, it’s not a bad idea to start freshening up your goals, so you can start the fall with defined steps and tasks. It also has the advantage that you can clear your thoughts while relaxing in the late-summer days, rather than when September and the rush begins.

These plans sound great but it’s not at all that easy to achieve. We’re familiar with the feeling when it’s so difficult to get back to everyday work and chilly days. There’s also a word for it: summer slump.

So it’s totally normal to feel a bit melancholic, to start missing summer even before it’s over. But the truth is, you can’t do anything to make time stop. What you can do is prepare yourself for the upcoming season, the next milestones, and be excited about what is yet to come instead of what you’re leaving behind.

Check out the full lumio card collection for more inspiring and useful tips:

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Viktoria Potoczki
lumio blog

tourism & hospitality student. gymnastics lover. travel enthusiast.