Bitcoin for your daily routine

Lumi Blockchain Wallet
Lumi Wallet Blog
Published in
3 min readMay 3, 2018

When everybody is trying to buy Bitcoins we are trying to understand whether Bitcoins can play a big role in our life? We mean, how can we use them in real life and why we buy them.

Why Bitcoin is going to play a big role in our lives?

As Bitcoin has no central bank its supply is decentralized. Simply put, It is not like dollars, pounds or even gold, you can’t touch them. Then why do we eagerly want to buy them and how can we spend them?

First of all, this kind of digital currency transaction are private and secure. It is ensured by the fact that no third party can take part in the transaction. This can provide cryptocurrency with a bright future.

You may say “How can I spend bitcoins?”. Don’t worry, bitcoin can already be accepted in numerous shops, websites and companies all over the world.

Buy what you need for BTC

The number of companies accepting bitcoin payments has increased over the last few years. For example, Microsoft and travel website Expedia both accept bitcoin as a means of payment.

Cryptocurrency has also found favor in Zimbabwe and Venezuela. One interesting fact, Icelandic singer Bjork is also accepting bitcoin payments for her latest album.

You see, crypto has made huge steps all over the world. Jack Lawson from New York bought a modern bed for his new flat on Overstock with Bitcoins. Another crypto holder, Tracey Blomfield from the UK, chose the Xbox 360 on Newegg and payed BTC for it. Sounds fascinating, doesn’t it?

Hand in hand with Bitcoin in everyday life

So, you can see that consumers may pay with their BTC on many popular websites. Besides that, Bitcoins can be accepted when paying for an education. Paul Birch pays BTC for his education at the University of Cyprus each year and Donna Atwood also uses BTC for similar payments at King’s College in North Carolina.

One more amazing fact, in parts of Asia, Bitcoin is already being accepted as payment for utilities. Wanzi Lee from China pays for her gas, water, and electric bills using Bitcoins, without having to convert into yuan. Japan is also keeping up with the times. Their consumers can buy electronics with BTC at the largest electronics stores in the country. This is the way Akira Tanaka from Tokyo bought her second TV in a big local electronics store.

Bitcoin for easy life, Lumi wallet for security

After all the controversial questions and strong doubts brought about by cryptocurrency it is quickly being included in our life and will help us to live faster and more comfortable lives.

When you will ask yourself where should I hold my bitcoins try Lumi. We have created this wallet for your safety, privacy, and convenience. Download it for iOS and Android and feel free to contact us on, join our Twitter, Telegram, Reddit, Medium and Blog for more educational, informative, and interesting articles.

