Etheremon in Lumi Collect and Creative Giveaway

Lumi Blockchain Wallet
Lumi Wallet Blog
Published in
2 min readMar 28, 2019
Etheremon and Lumi Blockchain Wallet

Have you ever won a prize? There is no shortage of crypto gaming contests and giveaways nowadays, but usually, only a few people get a reward, based on pure luck. And what about the devoted fans of the game who treasure every single collectible they own and clearly deserve some kind of bonus?

It’s time to rise and speak up!

Lumi Collect has partnered up with Etheremon and together we are giving you a chance to get your well-deserved reward — one of 10 pre-selected Mons! All you need to do is to explain why you need a Mon and use your artistic skills.

The giveaway starts on 28.03 and lasts until 08.04, the winners will be announced on April, 9th.

How to Join

  1. Follow Lumi Collect and Etheremon on Twitter (or Facebook)
  2. Repost the giveaway message and tag 3 friends
  3. Leave a creative comment showcasing how you feel about the game. It can either be a fiction story, a poem, or a piece of fanart

Etheremon and Lumi will review all the comments and choose 10 people with the best artwork.

Go crazy and be creative, as the most passionate and creative players are gonna get their reward!

About Etheremon

Etheremon is a blockchain-based game where you can catch, train, and transform digital Monsters. You can also trade them for real-life assets.

There are hundreds of Monster species that you can catch. They vary by type, generation, form, power, and other specialties. Currently, there are over 160 Mon species and each type has its own shape and characteristics.

In order to own Mon, a MonSeeker can also buy eggs to hatch.

Mons are ERC-721 tokens. As well as other in-game items, they are protected assets on the blockchain. By training Monsters, you increase their value, which you can then turn into financial benefits.

And of course, players can compete with each other for even more valuable rewards. Quests, Ranking Competitions, and Tournaments are just a few of the many activities waiting for you to explore.

You can play the game in practice mode for lower levels or get in the ranked match to gain ranks and EMONTS (the game’s currency).

Also, you can choose an adventure mode to get some special items. There are 54 Adventure sites, each is divided into 10 pieces and each piece is an ERC-721 token that you can trade on the OpenSea marketplace.

The game offers even more assets and if you want to learn more about them and the gameplay in general, read all about it here.


Get in touch! Have a chat with us on Telegram. Follow Lumi’s Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit to get all the news first.

