ExoPlanets in Lumi Collect: A Treat to All the Space Geeks and Playful Miners

Lumi Blockchain Wallet
Lumi Wallet Blog
Published in
4 min readMar 7, 2019
ExoPlanets and Lumi Blockchain Wallet

Space is fascinating! The countless number of movies, series, and works of fiction that cover interstellar travels have a massive fanbase. Why would gaming be any exception? More galaxies mean more fun and more opportunities for you to become the Master of the Universe. So if your gaming heart skips a beat when you think about planets and spaceships, you may want to give ExoPlanets a try.

ExoPlanets is a blockchain game that revolves around scientifically accurate planets outside of our solar system. Players can own, sell and play with beautiful 3D planets that are taken directly from NASA’s database of confirmed known exoplanets — A treat for all space geeks and enthusiast, as the game is not only extremely fun, but educational as well! Each planet contains links to wikipedia articles and official confirmation forms on NASA’s database! This database currently contains around 3800 confirmed planets, which the game is bound to, meaning that only 3800 exoplanets will ever be created in the game (and on the blockchain), making every planet extremely unique, rare and valuable.
Check out this quick introduction video of the game.


Basic Rules

The purpose of the game is to dominate the galaxy by owning as many ExoPlanets as possible, evolving life on them from tiny organisms and all the way to intelligent civilizations capable of space exploration, upgrading tech bonuses, expanding your grasp of the galaxy, and mining resources in the form of the game’s ERC20 tokens — ExoTokens, which will allow you to further your galactic expansion.


Every ExoPlanet has 7 evolutionary levels, starting from a barren rock planet, evolving through water formation, photosynthesis-based life forms and all the way to an intelligent civilization with space exploration abilities. You will be able to see your ExoPlanet’s surface whenever you want and check how it looks in each evolutionary stage! The speed in which a planet evolves depends on a “Life Rate”, a basic stat that each ExoPlanet holds. The higher the life rate of an ExoPlanet, the faster it will evolve, and the more valuable it is.

The life rate of an ExoPlanet has a lot to do with CryptoMatch, the game’s special feature.

CryptoMatch is an in-game mechanism that matches an actual cryptocurrency from CoinMarketCap to your ExoPlanet. It will affect your ExoPlanet’s life rate in a good or bad way, depending on how your coin is performing on the real live cryptomarket that day. An exciting detail for adventurous souls.

Moreover, CryptoMatch can generate ExoTokens for you. For every 1% your matched cryptocoin gains, you earn 1 ExoToken. ExoTokens will drive the entire game’s ecosystem and you will need them to advance further in the game.


You can check out all the planets currently in the game here.

After you’re done with the evolution process and reach the space technology age, you can start launching spaceships in the game’s amazing and unique multiplayer. ExoPlanets is the first ever browser-based live 3D multiplayer game that is fully playable (heads up — it requires a mouse and keyboard to play).
You will be able to control the spaceship that you launched from your ExoPlanet, explore space and land on small asteroids or resource planets and mine resources, which will then be converted to ExoTokens! Check out this gameplay video.

By mining resources daily you are proving that you are playing actively and working hard towards galactic domination. That is the game’s special Proof-Of-Gaming mechanism for balancing the game and its mining engine.

There are some other ways to generate ExoTokens, and you can read all about them here.

ExoPlanets in Lumi Collect

Lumi Collect has partnered up with ExoPlanets so you can now easily play the game and manage your planets on your mobile phone, explore the galaxy, check how your planet’s evolution is going, how many ExoTokens you have and more. Just download the app (available for iOS and Android), import your existing Ethereum wallet or create a new one (don’t forget about saving your mnemonic then), look for the game in the ‘Explore’ section, tap on it, and go on with your journey!

With Lumi Collect you can play Ethereum-powered blockchain games directly on your phone. The collection supports a variety of non-fungible tokens, so you can save them in one place. And of course, Lumi users can buy and sell their collectibles in a safe and easy way.

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