Faces of Blockchain

Top people in the industry

Lumi Blockchain Wallet
Lumi Wallet Blog
2 min readApr 30, 2019


Influencers, advisors, advocates — the blockchain industry is loaded with charismatic and opinionated personalities. In the social media age, anyone can get a chance to be in the spotlight. While some people try to use it wisely, others seem to be all over the place.

Either way, there is a group of unspoken leaders in the crypto sphere that all of us have heard of at some point. We’ve decided to make our own list of diverse blockchain faces, so the next time your friends are randomly dropping names, you don’t have to google them in secret.

TOP crypto influencers

Vitalik Buterin, (The Lord of the Geeks)

There’s hardly anyone who hasn’t heard of Vitalik. Chief Scientist of the Ethereum Foundation and one of the top people in blockchain started his career in crypto as a co-founder of Bitcoin Magazine and also found time to work on a few open-source projects. He made it to a couple of Forbes lists and received Honorary Doctorates from the University of Basel. And by the way, he’s only 25 at the moment. Now if that’s not impressive, we’re not sure what is.

Andreas Antonopoulos, (The Man who Mastered Bitcoin)

If Bitcoin was a religion, Andreas Antonopoulos would be its prophet. An author of multiple articles, frequent conference speaker, security expert, strategic consultant, and a huge Bitcoin believer, Mr. Antonopoulos has also published a crypto-bestseller ‘Mastering Bitcoin’. Fun fact: once he received 100 BTC from his followers which, obviously, caused quite a sensation and an envy spree from other top crypto influencers.

Brian Armstrong, (Blockchain Unicorn)

Coinbase co-founder and the ‘Rockstar’ of the crypto community, Brian Armstrong has always had a thing for technology. You can often see him speaking at various tech conferences worldwide. He is also known for working on a wide range of blockchain-related projects.

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