Happy Holidays From the Lumi Wallet Team

Lumi Blockchain Wallet
Lumi Wallet Blog
Published in
2 min readDec 25, 2019

The end of the year is the perfect time to not only relax but also reflect on everything you’ve accomplished during the last 12 months. It was a challenging and productive year for Lumi Wallet, and we wouldn’t have made it this far without the support of our beloved users and partners!

And now we want to review our accomplishments, sum up the work that’s been completed, and set some new priorities.

So what exactly has been done?

Lumi Wallet’s 2019 in Review

One of our major tasks was to integrate the components of the EOS ecosystem. We’ve already added the EOS coin and keep on adding new EOS tokens to the Lumi Wallet app. Also, we gave away more than 1100 free EOS accounts and thinking of making it a permanent thing. The EOS journey is far from its end, so we encourage the community to join forces with us and build together!

The long-awaited dapp browser is now fully supported on both iOS and Android versions of the app thanks to the partnership with DappRadar. Now you can browse through your favorite websites and use your Lumi Wallet account to execute crypto transactions when playing games or interacting with any other dapps. We believe that our future is decentralized, that’s why we’re going to develop and improve this function so you can have quick access to the up-and-coming world of dapps.

The ability to buy Bitcoin and Ethereum with credit and debit cards, enabled by Simplex, was probably one of the most important highlights of 2019. Moreover, by the end of the year, we scheduled another much-much-needed function for our users — the ability to withdraw Bitcoin directly to their VISA cards.

As for the Lumi Web Wallet, we finally released a completely client-side version that supports more than 900ERC20 tokens. Web wallet users can now import their wallets using private keys and buy Bitcoin and Ethereum with their credit cards.

What Else?

We’re on the mission to localize Lumi Wallet into all the languages in the world. And we’re getting there already! In addition to English, Korean, and Japanese, starting from this year Lumi is available in German.

Also, we’ve hosted 7 successful giveaways, partnered up with dozens of inspiring projects and welcomed countless new users. During the next few months, we hope to finalize our transition to the open source model and soar to new heights!

Thank you for being with us, we will keep on making your crypto journey smooth and easy.

Enjoy the holiday season!

Originally published at https://blog.lumiwallet.com on December 25, 2019.`

