Lumi is Now the MinerGate Partner Wallet

Lumi Blockchain Wallet
Lumi Wallet Blog
Published in
2 min readMar 7, 2019
MinerGate and Lumi Blockchain Wallet

If you follow any of our social media profiles, you might have noticed that Lumi is preparing to add EOS support. We are very motivated to contribute to the EOS community and fulfilling the role of MinerGate’s partner wallet is only the first step in a long journey.

Cooperation between MinerGate and Lumi Wallet is driven by the goal to add value to the EOS ecosystem.

MinerGate is an established mining pool that was created in 2014. Since then, the platform has increased its cumulative hashing power to a great extent. Consequently, in early 2018 the mining pool community was up to 3 million members and it continues to grow.

MinerGate was created by a group of crypto enthusiasts. The platform’s mission is to make mining truly accessible to everyone regardless of investment size, technical background, or their crypto experience.

EOS Block Producer

MinerGate recently applied to become an EOS Block Producer, and eventually made it to the top 21.

Block Producer in a Nutshell (inspired by this Eosphere video)

An EOS Block Producer is a decentralized entity that operates and governs the EOS blockchain on behalf of EOS stakeholders. Often these are companies that have invested in the scalability needs of EOS. They are elected by EOS stakeholders. They receive rewards for their work in the form of EOS tokens. Rewards are expected to be reinvested to grow the EOS ecosystem. There are a lot of possilbe block producers out there, however, only the top 21 can produce blocks and collect rewards.

To learn more about the basics of EOS, read our article.

MinerGate then also revealed plans to establish its own DAC Foundation as a means of giving back to the community and supporting dapp developers.

Lumi Wallet and MinerGate Partnership

MinerGate has selected Lumi Wallet to be their partner wallet app and encourages the community to hold their tokens there. Among the expected functionalities — the ability of Lumi users to vote in the EOS ecosystem.

As we mentioned earlier, Lumi Wallet is about to release an update with full EOS support. In the near future, this will allow Lumi users to store and manage EOS and EOS-based tokens on their accounts, as well as get easy access to EOS-powered dapps.

We are intrigued and excited to embark on the EOS journey together with MinerGate and hope to make EOS even more beautiful!

Want to Contribute?

Lumi Wallet is always open to new partnerships and happy to meet new friends. Come talk to us on Telegram or leave a comment on our Twitter, Facebook, or Reddit. Let’s have a discussion and make great content together!

