FAQ related to Ragnarok Labyrinth NFT

Published in
3 min readMay 6, 2022

Hello, This is ONBUFF!
It’s been over a week since our first planet, Ragnarok Labyrinth NFT, was opened and is loved by over a million users so far. We’re fully thankful for your love and support.

We are here to answer frequent questions from users of Ragnarok Labyrinth NFT and explain what ONBUFF project is focusing on to reduce users’ concerns and improve the game experience working with Gravity Game Link.

  1. Solutions for ETH gas fee

ONBUFF project is fully aware of the issue of gas fee concerns of Ragnarok Labyrinth NFT game users and we are currently considering various aspects to solve this problem including launching the main net in the form of a bridge to swap tokens using different networks or using side chains to reduce the gas fee of Ethereum network. We are fully concentrating on building a secure system for users’ experience and protecting the ecosystem from hacking and security issues to be updated with maximum stability. We will continue to update all the information related to this issue and communicate with our users to understand users’ demands and complaints to solve any relevant issue together.

2. NFT elements update

Many users are wondering what kind of NFT elements will be updated and added to Ragnarok Labyrinth NFT and when they will arrive to make our game more interesting. We are appreciating your support and enthusiasm over the game and NFT elements. We are currently developing game NFTs that can be used in Ragnarok Labyrint NFT playing, adjusting details with Gravity Game Link which owns the Ragnarok IPs.
We are looking forward to releasing our NFT in various forms which can possibly be the multiple types of equipment. They are planned to be utilized in various ways in the game such as earning additional points, providing user convenience, empowering characters, etc. In addition, users will be able to purchase NFT with Newton token and we are planning to add more utilities for Newton to the platform. We are building NFT elements with widely opened options considering users' demands and accepting various feedback from the community and also reflecting the market situation to make it profitable for users. We’d like to inform you as soon as the NFT collections are ready to be revealed and are looking forward to sharing all the information in a short time.
With launching INNO Platform, ONBUFF project already planned to launch NFT marketplace where users can trade NFTs based on IPs, Game NFTs, etc. We are building INNO Platform as a blockchain platform where IP contents are filled into NFTs, P2Egames, and other products using blockchain technology to expect ONIT to be more valuable in the ecosystem.

We hope this article helps you get the information you were wondering about and understand what we are working on and building in our ecosystem. Thanks for your love and support.

Find more information on Ragnarok Labyrinth NFT

Hompage : https://gnjoy.id/#
Official trailer :
Ragnarok Labyrinth NFT Introduction :

Find more information on ONBUFF

INNO Platform : https://inno.onbuff.com
Medium : https://medium.com/onbuff-main
Youtube :
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Official Telegram(Communication Channel in English):
New official post (Korean):




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