[GUIDE] How to Vote for ONBUFF: A Guide to Cubic TOKEN2049 Powerhouse Voting Event

Published in
4 min readSep 26, 2023

Hello ONBUFFers!

We’re excited to share a handy guide on ‘How to Vote for ONBUFF in the TOKEN2049 Powerhouse Voting Event.’ Cubic Games has provided a helpful walkthrough for casting your vote, and we’re here to give you a quick and easy step-by-step on how to support ONBUFF. Let’s dive in!

Here’s a quick guide on how you can mint tickets and vote.

  1. Visit the Cubic Official Website and click ‘Login’ in the top right-hand corner.

2. Log in using your wallet. Make sure to select a wallet on the ‘Optimism’ ecosystem.

3. Once logged in, select ‘Assets’ > ‘Drops’

4. Select Optimism Network and then click on the Cubic TOKEN2049 Ticket.

5. If you are already on the Whitelist, then you are able to mint 10 voting tickets for free, with no limit to tickets purchased on public mint at 0.002ETH per ticket.

If you are sure you have been added to the Whitelist but haven’t, please make sure you have signed in with the right Optimism wallet, or feel free to reach out to the Cubic Discord Support team and open a ticket.

Please be prepared to pay a small gas fee. Roughly $0.1.

6. Once minted successfully, you will get a notification.

7. Time to cast your vote! Head over to ‘Assets’ > ‘Voting’

8. Select the ‘Optimism’ Ecosystem and the Cubic Powerhouse Voting Token 2049.

9. Select the partner you want to vote for. Remember, you can vote for multiple partners with your tickets. Please note that this may incur additional gas fees.
* This is where your power comes from.
Vote for ONBUFF!

10. Then select the Cubic Token2049 Tickets. In this example, we have selected 5 tickets.

11. Voted successful!

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Cubic via Cubic’s social media channels. Minting + Voting ends on September 28th and final voting results will be announced on September 30th.

⭐ First 1000 users who mint will have their gas fees reimbursed (Airdrop).

⭐ Voting Ticket wrapped in $CUBIC token increases by 27x after voting [more info about $CUBIC token soon].

Join WL here (Ends on the 28th)

Mint Tickets here (Ends on 28th)

⭐$4000 Prize Pool

By following these simple steps, you can play a crucial role in supporting ONBUFF in the TOKEN2049 Powerhouse Voting Event. Your vote makes a significant difference, and we’re grateful for your unwavering support. Thank you, ONBUFFers, for being an integral part of this exciting journey!




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