[DEV NOTE] ONBUFF Monthly Development Update: March

Published in
3 min readApr 1, 2023

Hello ONBUFFers!
We are happy to be here again here for our March development update note! It was such an exciting month for ONBUFF project with our partners and progress. Wrapping up recent INNO PICK development status and INNO Platform updates, We’d like to inform our community about what we’ve been working on.

Dev note: INNO PICK

Designing ONBUFF points
Build a debugging environment for SNK BI logs
Create SNK data for app login (Companies, Applications, Points, Coins, ApplicationCoins, ApplicationPoints, Exchange)
Issue HUBBLE token on Ethereum testnet
Develop App Login API
Developed App Logout API
App account login API development
App Token Verification API Development
Developed App Token renewal/reissue API
Token wallet information inquiry API development

Dev note: INNO Platform

App Point inquiry API development
Developed App Point update API
Linking INNO ID with game characters
Organize and develop daily activity content
Organize and develop commercialization contents
Design and production of ONBUFF PASS privilege plan

Ragnarok Labyrinth NFT

Regular maintenance and bug report
Updates new NFT pets : Happy Lollipop and Brave stick candy
Upcoming NFT pet sale


ONBUFF has signed a strategic partnership with Mysten Labs, a Web3 infrastructure company and early developer of Sui Layer 1 blockchain.
Working on building a new blockchain game ear with one of the most optimal network for blockchain game and mass adoption, further information about our collaboration will continue to be updated.


Working on the organic community on Social media with ONBUFF!
Impressions on Twitter grew vastly by 250% up to 55,000 within a month.
More than a hundred new followers on Twitter and new members in Telegram group! Join us and follow our latest news. Links are below.
178000 users visited ONBUFF Twitter to check out our profile.
Thanks for your love and support, we will continue to INNOvate!




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