[RECAP] Recap of Sui Basecamp

Published in
5 min readApr 25, 2024

Hey Surfies!

We’ve got some exciting news to share. ONBUFF recently rocked the Sui Basecamp! We showcased our thrilling games, BRICK POP and Samurai Shodown R, in the arcade zone. But that’s not all — we also gave a speech highlighting our technical contributions to enhance the game-friendly ecosystem of the Sui Mainnet through BRICK POP.

It was an incredible opportunity to share new insights, connect with Sui developers, and discuss the promising future of Sui. If you missed out on the event, don’t worry! We’ve put together a recap just for you. Stay tuned for more updates!

Mainly Highlighted topics

  • Presented SuiPlay0x1
    - The Sui Foundation and Playtron unveiled SuiPlay0x1, a portable gaming device running on Playtron’s OS with Web3 capabilities. Set to launch globally in 2025, it promises a new gaming experience with direct downloads and broad compatibility.
  • Presented FDUSD
    - FDUSD, a stablecoin by FirstDigitalLabs on Sui, was showcased as the first native stablecoin in the Sui ecosystem. Since its August 2023 launch, its market cap has grown to over $3.5 billion ($4.8 trillion).
  • Enoki Launching
    - Misten Labs introduced Enoki, a platform for analyzing and leveraging blockchain data using Sui’s zkLogin and SDKs. It also features a Web3 version of Grafana for enhanced data visualization.
  • Bluefin Launching
    - Bluefin, a new decentralized exchange (DEX), made its debut, aiming to offer traders a swift and secure trading experience with Sui’s fast settlement finality.
  • Drife Launching
    - Drife, a decentralized taxi-hailing platform, was introduced as the web3 version of Uber. It offers data access to both drivers and passengers and rewards them with a native token called DRF.
  • Quantum Temple Launching
    - Quantum Temple, a decentralized travel platform, was launched, issuing QT Passports as Sui-based NFTs. It provides travelers with exclusive content and rewards, aiming to redefine the travel experience.
  • Speech about Game-Centric Functionality
  1. Dynamic NFTs
  2. Nestable NFTs
    - Nestable NFTs let one NFT own others, creating a hierarchy. For example, a game character NFT can own equipment like weapons, enhancing its performance. This allows NFTs to interact and improve each other, especially useful in gaming.
    Pros: Reduce transaction costs by combining multiple NFTs into one, making it cost-effective for frequent marketplace transactions.
  3. Seamless Web3 UX
    - zkLogin
    - Session Cookie Signature-Less TX
    - Fiat to NFT Onramp
    - Sponsored TXIS
  4. Sui Kiosk
  5. Enoki

ONBUFF at Sui Basecamp

First Day

On the first day of the Sui Basecamp, ONBUFF made a splash in the arcade zone with our upcoming game, Samurai Shodown R, and the recently released BRICK POP. The response from both Sui enthusiasts and soon-to-be fans was incredibly positive. Our games received a lot of love and interest, hinting at the future success of Samurai Shodown R. Adding to the excitement, our mascots, OnMeowZ, made an appearance with key rings featuring a QR code to the INNO Planet Page and grip talks for phone handles. Attendees absolutely loved these, leaving us wishing we had brought more to share in Paris.

Second Day

The second day brought a fresh opportunity as we had the chance to set up an independent arcade zone. We transformed this space into the Samurai Shodown R booth, which quickly became a hotspot for enthusiasts. The level of interest was so high that our booth remained busy right until the very end of the conference. It was a fantastic day filled with engaging conversations and enthusiastic gamers.

[SAMURAI SHODOWN R] Launch Update on Sui

“We’re now innovating Samurai Shodown once again by leveraging Web 3 technologies.

By combining traditional and innovation, we ensure Samurai Shodown remains leading position in fighting games for decaded to come.”

ONBUFF’s Chief Development Manager, Beom Joon Park, and SNK Interactive’s CEO, Dean Jeon, took center stage to share the story behind Samurai Shodown R, BRICK POP, and our decision to utilize the Sui mainnet. Their insightful speech resonated with the audience, sparking curiosity and interest among developers. Following the presentation, our booth became a hub of activity, with many developers stopping by to learn more and ask questions about our INNOvative projects.


ONBUFF had an exhilarating time at the Sui Basecamp, showcasing our games, BRICK POP and Samurai Shodown R, and highlighting our technical contributions to the Sui Mainnet ecosystem. The response was overwhelmingly positive, with both games garnering immense interest from attendees. Our unique key rings featuring OnMeowZ and QR codes were a hit, adding to the buzz around our booth.

[SAMURAI SHODOWN R] Launch Update on Sui by our Chief Development Manager, Beom Joon Park, and a brief introduction by SNK Interactive’s CEO, Dean Jeon, was a standout moment, sparking curiosity and engaging discussions with developers.

We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who showed interest and visited our booth in the Sui Basecamp. Your enthusiasm and support mean the world to us!

Overall, it was a fantastic event filled with excitement, innovation, and meaningful connections. Stay tuned for more updates from ONBUFF!




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