[ANN] ReINNOvation: new INNO Platform

Published in
4 min readDec 19, 2023

Greetings, esteemed ONBUFFers!
We come bearing thrilling news! ONBUFF has undergone a substantial transformation! Within the realm of ONBUFF, numerous elements have been revamped, including the official webpage, the Planet page, the wallet system, and the official community system. Yet, the most significant of these alterations lies within ONBUFF’s wallet system. For those curious about the enhanced version of ONBUFF, we invite you to immerse yourselves in the fantastical world that awaits. Your journey begins here!

ONBUFF’s Official webpage

  • Dynamic game platform
  • More user-friendly interfaces
  • Enhancing convenience for gamers

ONBUFF has undergone a remarkable transformation, emerging in a truly captivating form. As the company continued to develop and release more games, it became evident that the current official webpage was struggling to keep up with the expanding portfolio. This realization prompted a significant overhaul, a process that demanded extensive time and effort from all members of the ONBUFF team. Countless meetings were held over months to ensure this transformation came to fruition. The upgraded version of the official webpage addresses the previous navigational challenges. Instead, all the pertinent information is readily available on the main page, greatly enhancing convenience. ONBUFF’s technical and planning department has honed in on the essence of what ONBUFF represents, striving to present users with a clear and concise message—that ONBUFF is a dynamic game platform. This renewed focus aims to provide users with abundant, easily accessible information, all within a user-friendly interface.

ONBUFF’s Planet page

  • Visualizing concepts of ONBUFF planets
  • Comprehensiveness of the ecosystem
  • More clarity and accessibility

The face of the ONBUFF Planet page has undergone a stunning transformation. Serving as a comprehensive overview of ONBUFF, this page holds the key to comprehending the entirety of what ONBUFF represents. Navigating through the revamped Planet page, you will find a seamless and delicately crafted narrative, designed for utmost clarity and accessibility. The upgrade has rendered the page more than just visually appealing; it now boasts enhanced readability and refined elegance, ensuring that the story of ONBUFF unfolds effortlessly for all who visit.

ONBUFF’s Wallet system

  • Decentralized wallet system integration
  • SUI wallet & Metamask wallet connections required
  • Less friction on the Swap system

ONBUFF has undertaken a major overhaul of its wallet system, aimed at accommodating a broader user base and aligning with global cryptocurrency objectives. A pivotal shift towards decentralization has been implemented, entailing the integration of INNO ID with external wallets such as SUI and MetaMask. In contrast to the previous system, where a wallet was automatically generated upon the creation of an INNO ID, users are now required to create an external wallet and subsequently link it to their INNO ID. This transformation brings about substantial benefits. Many users previously encountered challenges with ONBUFF’s wallet system due to the multiple swap processes, resulting in significant gas fees. The new approach not only streamlines the transfer process but also markedly reduces associated gas fees, alleviating a longstanding inconvenience for users.

We’ll be opening it up soon

Official Community system

  • ONBUFF’s official Discord upcoming
  • Opening events for Discord upcoming
  • More engagements for the community!

In response to its rapid growth and development, ONBUFF has made the strategic decision to transition its official community system from Telegram to Discord. This shift signifies a significant upgrade in functionality for the community. Within the new Discord community system, users can expect to find four main categories: the ONBUFF Project, ONBUFFers, Games, and ONBUFF Support. Additionally, exciting open celebration events have been organized, providing an opportunity for participants to seize their share of fortune. With these changes in place, ONBUFF is poised to witness a robust surge in the growth and engagement of its revitalized community.


ONBUFF has embarked on a transformative journey, ushering in a new era of user experience and accessibility. The upgrades to ONBUFF’s official webpage, Planet page, and wallet system represent a significant leap forward in providing a seamless and enriching platform for its community. The meticulous efforts of the ONBUFF team, coupled with a renewed focus on clarity and convenience, have culminated in a captivating user interface that showcases ONBUFF as a dynamic game platform. Moreover, the revolutionary changes in the wallet system demonstrate ONBUFF’s commitment to decentralization and aligning with global cryptocurrency goals, ultimately benefiting users with reduced gas fees and a more streamlined process. With these enhancements, ONBUFF invites its users to immerse themselves in a fantasy world that embodies the future of gaming and cryptocurrency integration.




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