[RECAP] Sui builder house in Seoul Recap

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4 min readJun 5, 2023

Hello! This is ONBUFF.
We joined Sui builder house in Seoul as a gold sponsor last weekend sharing brilliant insights and diverse opinions on the new network and meeting talented dev teams in Korea to ensure the rosy future of the Sui network building a healthy and exciting ecosystem. Here is a recap of Sui builder house in Seoul for some of you who have missed it.

Sui builer house in Seoul


During two days over the weekends, Sui builders shared innovative ideas and juicy information on how to work on Sui network such as how to run a validator, build more secure code with MOVE language, and introduce APIs builders can use to work on Sui network better.

Main stage: Hackerton

Within two consecutive days, builders in Seoul were racing to create a meaningful movement with Move. We encountered several brilliant development teams during the Hackerton and found their ideas interesting for the Sui ecosystem. Let me share some of the intriguing projects we encountered at the event.

  • Sui kit
    Sui Kit is a toolkit designed for developers to interact with the Sui network, enabling faster and easier development on the Move language. It provides a set of pre-made codes and tools that developers can frequently use when building on Move.
    The key features of Sui Kit include:
    - Transfer SUI, Custom Coin and objects.
    - Move call
    - Programmable transaction
    - Query on-chain data
    - HD wallet multi-accounts
    - Publish & upgrade Move packages
    To learn more about Sui Kit, visit this link:
  • Shall we move?
    The Shall We Move team presented a prototype of a peer-to-peer (P2P) NFT trading solution on the Sui network. Their focus was on utilizing Move’s secure asset movement feature. Users on the Sui network may be able to trade their NFTs without relying on traditional markets or intermediaries. This solution aims to provide efficient, cost-effective, and secure trading, eliminating concerns about asset loss.
  • Suiquid
    Suiquid is working on a game platform where players can enjoy blockchain games built on the Sui network. The platform also allows advertisement businesses to integrate into the system, creating a sustainable “Play to Earn” model. By attracting more players with engaging games, the platform aims to offer more advertising opportunities for businesses in the future.
  • GPtutor
    GPtutor is a Visual Studio Code extension for developers working on the Sui network with the Move language. It offers code explanation, commenting, and auditing using chat GPT, enabling developers to learn and work with Move more easily. GPtutor is available in multiple languages, including English and Korean, facilitating better collaboration without language barriers.
  • Sui license
    Sui License focuses on the intellectual property (IP) industry, aiming to enhance efficiency and speed using the Sui network. The platform allows IP owners to offer licenses and receive proper fees, while IP users gain easier access to the desired licenses, expanding their business opportunities. The platform provides a space for IP users and owners to connect, with the potential for middlemen to profit from working on the Sui License platform.
  • Secure U&I
    Secure U&I is a code verification extension for developers. They have integrated this function into the Sui Explorer through their prototype. By forking the Sui Explorer, developers can easily verify their code and gain confirmation within the explorer’s environment.
Sui explorer


The ONBUFF team was overjoyed to witness the talent and brilliance of the developers at the Sui Builder House. We are honored to be a part of the Sui ecosystem and contribute to leading blockchain game players onto the Sui network through the INNO Platform. We are eager to connect with developers, creators, and enthusiastic users to foster a thriving ecosystem on the Sui network. Join our community and reach out to us whenever you desire! Let’s continue building together on Sui and INNO!




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