5 Best Minolta Cameras

Published in
5 min readMar 8, 2020


Minolta is a well-known Japanese manufacturer of digital cameras founded back in 1928. What made this brand popular is the fact they made the first integrated autofocus 35mm SLR camera system.

About a decade ago Minolta announced they would no longer produce digital cameras as they wanted to leave the business of selling photographic film and cameras, their devices are still popular among photographers. Beginners and experienced photographers alike use Minolta cameras. What are the best Minolta cameras though? Read on to find out.

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1. Minolta X-700 (Overall Winner)

The Minolta X-700 is one of the best film cameras that both amateur and experienced photographers across the world simply adored. What makes this camera special is the fact it has one of the best and brightest viewfinders in the business. That’s why shooting with Minolta X-700 is a great experience for every person who values photography and everything it takes to capture that perfect photo.

The X-700 features fully automatic and manual modes. Thanks to the inclusion of both modes, the…



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