On the road to glory: meet the Final Shortlist of BUIDL for Web3 Hack 2022

Suzana Joel
Lumos Labs
Published in
11 min readNov 23, 2022

As Web3 enthusiasts, at Lumos Labs, we hold testimony to what hackathons do for buidlers and Web3 innovation. They elevate and motivate buidlers to write the Web3 narrative with their developer skills, creativity and a collective vision to leave their mark in tech history.

With that said, here are some incredible individuals who have pushed through the ranks and found a place in BUIDL for Web3 Hack 2022. Not only are they shortlisted to win from a prize pool of US $100k+, but they’re on a fast track to becoming wholesome developers who can push the boundaries of innovation in the Web3 space.

Before we get into that announcement, here’s what BUIDL for Web3 Hack 2022 was about.

BUIDL for Web3 Hack 2022 — A retrospective

Here’s the TL;DR

BUIDL for Web3 Hack 2022 was a hackathon that brought together 7k+ developers to build on 18 tracks spanning DeFi, NFTs, DAOs, Entertainment, Developer tooling and infrastructure development. We’ve also opened up an exclusive Sustainability Track to challenge developers to solve real-world problems.

After wrapping up the BUIDL phase of the Hackathon, we’re ready to bring you some very talented Builders who brought forward some awesome Web3 projects.

So, without further ado, meet the movers and shakers of the Web3 space! 🔥

Final shortlist of the BUIDL for Web3 Hack 2022 🚀

Polygon Track

NFT track

  • DeClick by Team Binary

DeClick is a Whatsapp plugin that acts as a layer between the layman and the web3 universe. This plugin incorporates the functionalities of a wallet and the feature of minting Dynamic and static NFTs. As a wallet, it does Interchain and intra-chain Transactions. All these features are done with less than 5 messages and also creates notification when tokens are transacted into your wallet.

  • My_Twitter by Team Calculated Victory

My_Twitter is a microblogging and social networking service which allows users to post and interact with messages known as “tweets”. It is a decentralized platform built on the Polygon test network. Users can tweet and upload images on the blockchain and the images are stored in the chain by web3 storage — an IPFS protocol-based platform system. The app also generates avatars for user profiles random and assigned them to their profile.

  • Spam Bytes Team Spam Bytes

Our app helps users buy and sell NFTs through NFT marketplaces and usually requires cryptocurrencies. Verification of ownership access is built on Polygon technology when it comes to purchases.

DeFi Track

  • Nomis by Team Nomis

An Uber for DeFi — Nomis is a DeFi lending aggregator that smartly connects borrowers with DeFi protocols offering custom loan terms based on borrowers’ on-chain credit scores. Nomis is designed to make DeFi lending terms as and even more attractive than TradFi ones for mainstream borrowers and underserved populations.

  • Vision-X by Team Vision-X

We are the first step for newcomers to DeFi. We educate users and offer different DeFi strategies in an easy and explained way so that they can invest in them with better understanding and security.

  • Solarz by Team Solarz

Solarz is a Web3 DeFi platform offering BNPL service for both Web3 and non-native users. Users can purchase NFTs from all Marketplaces integrated with Solarzu like Opensea, Rarible etc. and have the option to repay the instalments using FIAT. Thus, Solarzu is a Web3 marketplace aggregator and DeFi service provider for a wider audience.

Gaming Track

  • Game by Team GamelandO

‘Game’ is a metaverse game where users can seamlessly interact while they play games, play missions and earn in-game tokens and NFTs. This project features multichain support, daily game rewards (ERC-20 tokens), a decentralised finance system with in-app items with crypto, NFT 1155-as-a-game fun world items and more.

  • GameGuides by Team Kalyan

GameGuides is a creator’s hub providing gasless user onboarding and rich creator-to-fan interactions

  • Peagotchiverse by Team TFNFT Meta

Peagotchiverse is an NFT game-based CROP SIMulation protocol. Players can buy Pea Seeds in the Peagotchi marketplace and grow the seeds within optimal climate conditions. As the seed grows, players can collect climate NFTs that are redeemable in exchange for peas tokens

Pool Track

  • Green Genesis by Team Green Genesis

Green Genesis is a decentralized platform using blockchain that automatically handles all fundraising all disputes. Users can donate and get added to a “Raise verification system”. All the transaction made by fundraiser through raised money is transparent and donors can vote and file for disputes. A dispute is transparent and penalizing the person found guilty is also automated in the blockchain.

  • Polyfunds by Team Mavericks

Polyfunds reimagines crowdfunding through the lens of decentralisation. Polyfund allows users to donate to causes/campaigns that work toward the betterment of humanity/social causes/relief campaigns etc. This eliminates the ‘trust’ factor between the donor and the campaign organiser.

  • DDW by Team edgeXgame

At edgeXgame, the team is building a game collectable NFT marketplace with an NFT-based monthly subscription model. Players will be able to buy, sell and trade their digital collectables on our platform. These collectables are unique and cannot be replicated or destroyed.

  • Rebooting Rebels by Team Rebooting Rebels

Team Rebooting Rebels’ project keeps track of real estate transactions and stores them on-chain to maintain the integrity of contracts. It also conventionally stores used sake deed papers or suchlike into a secure and immutable database (IPFS).

Additionally, the project will enable users to list all of the real estate properties belonging to a particular account on the blockchain thus ensuring that the real estate data is not cluttered and each individual can easily access his/her real estate. In addition, the property also enables the seller and the buyer to seamlessly transfer the in question property, with a robust, fast and easy but necessary Government (ADMIN) verification of the legitimacy of the transaction.

  • NFTVerse Event by Team Nftverseweb3locker

NFTVerse Event: A white-label NFT solution for event organizers to issue participation certificates, winner certificates, etc as NFT. Using the platform, users can create a custom landing page for the event, hosted on their own domain. On the dashboard, the admin can upload the email addresses or mobile numbers of people who can claim NFTs. The landing page (claim page) is shared with attendees from where they can claim their NFTs by doing OTP validation.

  • Bookverse by Team Cbooks

Bookverse is a new alternative to buying, selling, and reading digital books. With the help of blockchain technology, sellers and publishers will get up to 99% royalties. For the first time ever in this market, this will include resale royalties as well. The users will be able to read their favourite collectables using the incoming in-app reader and any third-party reader. Also, they will be able to resell their cBooks (Digital Collectible Books) in secondary marketplaces. The applications are just limited by our imagination.

  • Wraprotocol by Team Rentnftprotocol

Wraprotocol is an NFT dApp built on Polygon Network to bring liquidity to the NFT Market by building a one-place NFT market solution. Currently, the NFT market is illiquid with value based on price speculation and leading to a restricted NFT game economy. Wraprotocol enables renting out of NFTs to bring Liquidity in the NFT market and open the NFT game economy. Wraprotocol uses Wrapped Token Model to ensure the Non-collateralized renting of NFTs. Using Wrapped Token Model any user can come and Rent out their NFTs that get stored in our Escrow contract, and then our contract generates other Wrapped NFTs using the metadata of the Original NFT.

  • Kezayya by Team Nwakaku

Kezayya is a web3 project that aims to help users store files and share them in a user-friendly manner. Team Nwakaku is building a web3 version of google drive or dropbox for file storage and sharing. It uses the open zeppelin ERC721 standard to store file metadata ERI in an EVM-based smart contract. The smart contract is deployed on Polygon Mumbai. Polygon which is an Ethereum scaling and POS Blockchain was the best choice for deployment to reduce the cost of transactions and interaction with the blockchain.

  • Chegg by Team Oopsididitagain

Chegg is an ed-tech company in the web2 space. Its main functionalities include textbook rental services, tutoring services, and the most profitable product in their stable, Chegg services, a platform for students to post questions and receive answers. To imagine the scale of their QA platform, 85% of their $81+ million dollar revenue came from this product.

They also have paid hundreds of thousands of contributors worldwide through their QA and tutoring platform. However, it has been riddled with multiple plagiarism issues, hacks, and payment issues throughout its existence. So LensEd is a web3 version of Chegg, basically building a QA platform for students to post questions, post answers, lock answers behind a token amount and earn reputation points aka Stackoverflow.

  • Spriyo by Team Spriyo

Team A minimal node.js package(250KB) which can index all the NFT-based transactions in the network by distributing the load to available threads in the system. Something similar to the one being used by Opensea to Index all the NFT-based transactions.

Any NFT Marketplace or Metaverse can use this package to have their own NFT database snapshot of the network and can query the database faster. This ensures everyone is on the same page, solving data interoperability between platforms. The same package is forked and used in Spriyo, the link is in the Demo video field.

æternity Track

DeFi Track

  • AEUSD by Team AEUSD

AEUSD is a collateral-backed stablecoin that helps people take loans by putting Aeternity tokens as collateral. Based on rising demand for stablecoins as the market is currently experiencing a downturn, AEUSD Team is working on their project to meet this need.

  • NuclearSwap by Team ferumflex

NuclearSwap aims to enable cross-chain swap. Theferumflex team aims to open a window into DeFi on æternity. Right now, users can move USDT from ETH testnet to æ testnet.

DAO Track

  • Cluster by Team Lukman Saheed

Cluster is a Decentralized Application for DAO creation and management on the æternity blockchain. With Cluster, organizations/groups will be able to create a DAO without needing to write a smart contract or deploying and managing their own application.

Internet Computer Track

Entangle by Team PrivyTag
Entangle gives web3 projects the ability to permanently bind token wallets & NFTs to physical objects, using NFC tags & the Internet Computer.

Tatum Track

  • DeClick by Team ~Binary

Team ~Binary believes in a very easy, simple, and layman’s life. So they built DeClick — a Whatsapp plugin that acts as a layer between the layman and the web3 universe. This plugin incorporates the functionalities of a wallet and the feature of minting Dynamic and static NFTs. As a wallet, it does Interchain and intra-chain Transactions. All these features are done with less than 5 messages and also creates notification when tokens are transacted into your wallet.

[NOTE: This team is participating in multiple tracks which is encouraged at the BUIDL for Web3 Hack 2022.]

  • We3DeGames By Team We3DeGames

Team We3DeGames is a group of ambitious developers who have worked to develop part of a metaverse with a touch and promotion of the “crypto market” in it. Their metaverse aims at making the consumer understand their portfolio’s position in the market in the easiest way possible, enabling the ordinary person to utilize an advanced deep-learning technique to assess the financial risk better using a visually appealing Metaverse.

Fluence Track

  • CrossGame by Team Gamecross

CrossGame is a decentralized platform where users can transfer their digital assets from one game to another. Using socket.io, the developers at Gamecross aim to create a pattern network between Fluence and other projects. This would further enable them to utilize the peer2peer Fluence network to build a blockchain-based flow where games can be connected to each other.

Revise Track

  • Peagotchiverse by Team TFNFT Meta

A dynamic climate NFT for Pea crop!

Peagotchi is a blockchain project focused on locating the growth of Pea crops efficiently and quickly, based on climate conditions. Tracked with the help of blockchain, the growth of the seed in real-time weather with alerts in temperature and moisture change is showcased through Dynamic NFTs. These NFTs represent the relationship between climate change, crop growth, and yield stages using digital art.

Solving the problem statement of our Revise track, Peagotchi fights climate change one NFT at a time and allows the world to save the peas!

[NOTE: This team is participating in multiple tracks which is encouraged at the BUIDL for Web3 Hack 2022.]

  • The Earth by Team Web3Goats

Web3Goats presents the Earth NFT, a dynamic NFT that exhibits emotions of prosperity and grief depending upon the greenhouse emissions on a daily basis. The NFT shows the “better” and “worse” condition of a location’s weather depending upon GHG emissions by comparing today and the day before along with a holistic analysis of other climatic factors. Through the location, real-time weather data procured via an API, and greenhouse gas emissions of the area, the Web3Goats present a dynamic NFT that is representative of the ‘mood of the Earth’.

  • Team Titans

Between 1990 and 2019, greenhouse gas emissions increased globally by 53%. TeamTitans have brought forth attention to this pertinent problem through their dynamic NFT that depends on carbon emissions using the Revise SDK. The consumption of fossil fuels, food, manufactured goods, materials, roads, and transportation all contribute to carbon emissions. Fossil fuels and Coal, major sources of carbon emissions, are at the cornerstone of the NFT. The carbon emission% will change along with the NFT. Consequently, increasing understanding of how carbon emissions affect the environment.

Assetmantle Track

  • NFTIX by Team 30percenttax

NFTIX is a decentralised NFT-based event ticketing platform that facilitates easy NFT event ticket issuing and easy check-ins using AssetMantle blockchain and MantleWallet. A user would just need to signup with their username and password and a wallet would be generated for them which they can further use to get started with minting NFTs as tickets for their favourite events! They can also keep a track of external unlockable content like free goodies and schwag that the organisers provide and which are associated with the NFT!

Arcana Track

  • SolveX by Team SolveX

SolveX brings an NFT-based decentralized land property ownership transfer to the real world real estate market. By enabling this system the land owner can create NFT-based digital ownership which can be then transferred to any user who wishes to buy that land. The particular user who owns the NFT would be the owner of the land. This system would enable a faster and more efficient way to align the land management and ownership processes of the real world by using web3 technology, enabling security and authenticity.

  • Books on Chain by The Rudras Team

For all the readers out there — The Rudras are here for the next phase of the literary industry. By bringing books on-chain, they aim to solve the problems of piracy, illegal distribution of content, and impermanent loss of revenue while ensuring well-deserved compensation to the authors.

For every book purchased or rented, the buyer secures an NFT at a reasonable price which can then be read or resold. Additionally, by way of smart contracts, the authors are assured of a percentage of the sale/resale as royalties.

Congratulations, BUIDLers! 🙌 💥 🍻

In our books, all participants of the BUIDL for Web3 Hack 2022 have put their best foot forward. What’s more, is that the winners are set to receive $500 worth of domain credits, and the first 5000 participants will receive $25 worth of domain credits from Hackathon Partners — Unstoppable Domains. This is in addition to the US $100k prize money. 🏆

As we prepare for the BUIDL for Web3 Hack 2022 Demo Day, we hope you will join us to support these incredible teams as they go further on their Web3 journeys.

Here are the coordinates:

Time & Date: 25 November 2022 | 5:00 p.m. IST onwards.

