LYNC, Web3 Gaming, & Hackathons: a preview of Vish’s Web3 journey | DevStories

Anushree Ajay
Lumos Labs
Published in
4 min readApr 13, 2023

Meet Vishwas Bhushan aka Vish; a Web3 game dev & founder with exceptional skills and primal love for gaming. He is a young CEO who is such an inspiration to anyone who wants to revolutionize Web3 Gaming. With a knack for onboarding the next generation of game developers into Web3, Vish has been instrumental in building an amazing community of gamers and devs, winning hackathons, and shaping young minds.

Read ahead to know more about his story.

How did you begin your Web3 journey?

I bought my first Bitcoin in the year 2016. Although, I have always been into gaming and tech, my actual web3 journey started in 2020. I was going through Instagram and I saw a story where I came across an art piece listed as an NFT for 0.333 ETH. That inspired me to explore the web3 space and eventually, my love for gaming bought me where I am today.

How did you discover blockchain technology?

I have been designing games for more than 5 years now. While I was exploring a couple of Web3 games I realized that a certain fun factor was missing in all of them and that’s when I decided to get into the blockchain ecosystem. My Co-founder Shanu and I then launched our first Web3 game, “NFT RUSH” in 2021.

NFT Rush is a fast-paced and thrilling game. Set in a futuristic world, the game immerses players in an exciting adventure where they compete to collect the most Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) in a virtual reality environment. Players must navigate through a series of challenges and obstacles, each more difficult than the last, to collect valuable NFTs that can be traded or sold for real-world currency.

Where are you currently working?

I am the CEO at Lync at the moment. We are working towards building an accessible web3 gaming platform.

A cutting-edge platform developed with gamers in mind, the platform offers a user-friendly experience. With Lync, players can easily access and play blockchain-based games without needing to understand the complexities of blockchain technology.

The platform provides a secure and transparent gaming environment where players can buy, sell and trade in-game assets seamlessly, without the need for intermediaries. It is designed to be highly scalable and flexible, allowing developers to build and deploy blockchain games easily.

What was your first-ever Web3 hackathon experience like?

The first ever Hackathon we participated in was the Chainlink Fall Hackathon. It was all an amazing experience and we submitted our dynamic NFT standards project and won. That gave us so much more confidence and encouragement to go out and participate in more hackathons.

What was the project that won your team a place in the Buidl for Web3?

In ‘Buidl for Web3’ Hack 2022 we worked on our Dynamic NFT Standard project and won again. Everything that happened during the course of the hackathon inspired us to put in all the hard work that was required to win.

The Dynamic NFT Standard is an innovative initiative aimed at creating a new standard for NFTs that can change over time. Unlike traditional NFTs, which are static and unchanging, dynamic NFTs allow for customization and updates, making them more versatile and valuable. The project involves the development of a new protocol that enables the creation and management of dynamic NFTs, including the ability to incorporate smart contracts, metadata, and other features that enhance their functionality.

Tell us about the projects you are looking forward to working on next.

Our entire focus right now is on LYNC. We plan on getting the next generation of game developers to onboard more quality games onto LYNC and with that we hope on expanding globally.

What is your most amazing Web3 story?

I still remember I started organizing a Twitter space called VISH HUG Party. Where the whole agenda was giving free hugs to everyone and collecting NFTs. This went so viral that we actually ended up launching a HUG token. It was such a mesmerizing feeling honestly.

What is your dream job? Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

My job is to make blockchain gaming accessible to everyone and this is the only job I’ll be dedicated to for the next 5 years. Well, not to brag, but the way India and Southeast Asia are moving forward, we at LYNC see ourselves as the next web3 gaming leaders with the biggest web3 community.

Vish’s strong skill sets, in-depth knowledge, and strategic thinking have made him an incredible Web3 Gaming Dev and an amazing founder. With his knack for gaming and his determination towards letting game developers build web3 games by keeping web3 complexities aside, he is truly destined for greater heights. It really is an inspiring journey.

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Anushree Ajay
Lumos Labs

Getting to know the Web3 space. Content Writer at Lumos Labs.