
Becca Adelaide
Published in
1 min readOct 2, 2017

He’s a seed
Planted in her mind
Infecting her
Growing in her
Possessing her
Suffocating her thoughts
She drowns in them
As he looks at her drunken dancing across the club floor
She plays hard to get but he already knows he’s won!
He’s got her
He knows it
Sipping from the sap that she drools
Making a sticky trail that always leads right back to him
Gazing like he’s a star she’s never seen before

Grow up.

Stop being childish.

Pull yourself together.

But she can’t
He’s too bittersweet
She just can’t help herself
Neither can her friends
As much as they warn her he’s not good for her soul,
She always chooses him over herself
He’s a seed
Insignificant and small
Yet grows giving generations of life forms that take over
Making her weak
Until finally nothing is left
And he finds another home to grow



Becca Adelaide
Editor for

A 21 year old writer, teacher, optimist and enthusiast