Create code-free playables in minutes with Luna Elements

Adam Stevens
Luna Labs
Published in
3 min readJun 15, 2021

Over the past couple of years, playables ads have gained significant traction amongst mobile games studios.

On the surface, they generate scale and drive high-quality users who have shown a proactive interest in trying the game. Additionally, due to the nature of how playables are made, they create new opportunities for creative teams to make quick (and significant) iterations and use in-ad data to fully analyse the user journey for optimisation.

But, there’s a catch. Playable ads have typically been reserved for studios that have the developer resources to create them, or the financial depth to outsource them, which has been seen to limit its adoption for some studios. Besides, it often takes time (and iterations) before finding a winning concept, which makes the decision to invest in them an even bigger consideration.

To tackle this problem straight on, we’re launching Luna Elements 🚀 so anyone can instantly create, iterate and test a large volume of high-quality playable experiences with no developer resources or expertise.

Sounds good? Let’s see how it works in three, simple steps.

  1. Choose a template that best suits your needs

We have been working tirelessly to understand the key performance drivers across a wide selection of playables, in order to distil them into a dynamic selection of templates.

Our template gallery is the starting point for any playable made in Elements; choose the template that best suits your needs and game style, before fully customising it in our playable editor.

2. Leverage your game assets and any of the pre-existing resources in our Asset Library

Everything we do at Luna aims to simplify your creative workflow. After selecting your template, you can then upload your existing gameplay videos (or generate them using our video tool, Replay 😉), fonts and assets into Luna Playground.

With a variety of template settings, you can then fine-tune your creative experience. And of course, check out the customisable assets available in our Asset Library. We have everything ranging from banners, CTA buttons, to finger animation and more!

3. Go live then analyse your creations in real-time

Just like any other Luna-powered creatives, you then export the playables you built using Elements to all major ad networks and social platforms.

Through our real-time in-ad analytics, you can, more importantly, understand how your users engage with your Elements-built playables and add depth to your data-led creative decisions.

Here’s how Elements has played out for the team at Coda.

We’re excited to be one of the first studios to experience Luna Elements. In three short weeks, we significantly increased the number of playables tested, which noticeably improved the overall effectiveness of our creative strategy.

— Cemal Gunusen, Co-Founder and Chief Gaming Officer at Coda

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, you can now sign up for a 14-day trial, which gives you access to Elements but also Playable and Replay.

Want to learn more? Get in touch with us at or directly sign up for the trial here.

Let the fun begin!

