I’m CEO of Lunafi, and these are my cryptocurrency investments

Evan Francis
Lunafi Blog
Published in
6 min readNov 20, 2017

My name’s Evan, I’m the CEO and co-founder of Lunafi. Here at Lunafi we’re all about being transparent, it’s one of our values we laid out in our first company blog post. We want to help you invest in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin with confidence and make it as easy as possible. Since we’re asking you to trust us with our information and guides, I think there’s no better way I could help build that trust than to be completely open about my personal cryptocurrency investments.

My investment portfolio

I use CoinTracking.info to track all of my trades and investments, they’re a great service and I recommend checking them out. If you use more than one exchange or wallet it quickly becomes a pain to keep track of everything without a tool to help. Below is a screenshot of all of my holdings as of November 18, 2017 at 2:45pm. I’m sure by the time you read this prices will change, the cryptocurrency world moves fast!

Distribution of coins
List of all coins

Let’s break that down into percentages:

  • 43% Bitcoin
  • 17% Ethereum
  • 10% Lisk
  • 8% Litecoin
  • 7% Vertcoin
  • 5% Neo
  • 4% Monero
  • 2% Ripple
  • 2% Ark
  • 2% NEM
  • 1% Bitcoin Gold
  • 0.5% Stratis
  • 0.5% Dash

I consider this to be somewhere between a safe and risky portfolio, with a good distribution across different use cases. I don’t do any day trading, I pick coins that I think have a promising future with room for growth, invest in them, and let them grow over time.

Why I picked these coins to invest in

I invest in good technology that solves real problems and that I think has a market fit. A strong development team with a clear mission statement and a well-defined future roadmap is a must for me to put my money behind a cryptocurrency. With that said, here’s why I’ve picked to invest in each one of these coins:

  • BitcoinBitcoin is king of the cryptos, it was the first ever cryptocurrency that started this whole revolution and it has the most market adoption and mainstream recognition. I always recommend this as the largest holding if you want some relatively guaranteed growth.
  • Ethereum — I’m a big believer in development platforms that enable engineers to build applications on the blockchain (the underlying technology of cryptocurrencies). These will allow more adoption and they make it easier for companies to leverage this technology. Ethereum is the largest developer platform at the moment and is being used for tons of different projects, and it has lots of big things coming in the coming years.
  • Lisk — Lisk is another developer platform coin, they provide tools that allow engineers to build side chains using JavaScript, the most popular programming language in the world. JavaScript is easy for beginners to learn and it runs on everything from web browsers to servers to smart phones to microcontrollers, in my opinion this creates a massive opportunity for enabling more mainstream adoption. Lisk also is releasing developer tools very soon, and is undergoing a rebranding effort, so I expect this to continue to rise once those are announced.
  • Litecoin — Litecoin was one of the first successful forks (a.k.a. derivatives) of Bitcoin, with the aim of essentially being Bitcoin but with faster transactions and lower fees. It’s always been one of the highest traded coins and it’s accepted at a lot of retailers, giving it true value unlike many coins whose entire value is through speculation of the future. Litecoin is also used as a testing ground for new technological solutions for Bitcoin, since it’s code is very similar.
  • Vertcoin — Just like Litecoin is a fork of Bitcoin, Vertcoin was a fork of Litecoin (so indirectly it started as a derivative of Bitcoin). Vertcoin’s development team is very active and completely done by volunteers. Their branding is very professional and their mission statement is clear through all of their marketing: they aim to fix the issue of Bitcoin mining becoming centralized (via “ASIC resistance”). Bitcoin mining is mostly done by a small number of massive companies who own huge farms of special computers just for mining, so you could never compete as a miner with your regular laptop or desktop. Vertcoin’s code is committed to keeping mining available to everyone, without giving an advantage to specialized hardware. I think this concept will become more attractive over time, giving Vertcoin value as “the people’s coin”.
  • NeoNeo is another development platform, it’s essentially the Ethereum of China. It has very similar goals and technologies and a strong development team behind it. Their future roadmap for 2018 includes a framework that allows any company to create tokens for fundraising (ICOs) in a legally-compliant manner, which could be huge since China recently banned all ICOs. Neo saw massive growth this year, and I expect that continue steadily for the near future.
  • Monero — Monero is the one true coin with complete privacy. Each transaction is completely anonymous so nobody can trace how much money you own, how much you’ve sent, or who you’ve sent it to. A common criticism of Bitcoin is that anyone can see how much money you have on the blockchain if they know your wallet address, which is a very valid concern. In the U.S. it’s considered socially unacceptable to ask people how much money they make or have, so that level of transparency can be scary to some. Monero’s commitment to privacy is impressive and they have good market adoption because of its solid technology.
  • Ripple — Ripple looks like it could become the backbone technology powering a lot of different companies who specialize in sending money around the globe. Their transactions are fast and cheap, and the company behind it has a great track record so far. They’ve already partnered with a number of companies, as soon as they land a partnership with a large company their price could see great growth.
  • Ark — Ark is another development platform similar to Lisk. Since nobody knows which development platform will win in the end, I’ve spread my investments across a few of these in hopes that one or two will become the large players in that space and yield good returns. Their roadmap on their website is very promising, with lots of good things to come.
  • NEM— Another development platform! NEM’s technology and roadmap are solid, and the price is cheap right now. They target enterprise customers and allowing them to very easily represent transnational businesses on the blockchain. It would only take one or two big enterprise use cases to drive the price up.
  • Bitcoin Gold — Similar to Vertcoin, Bitcoin Gold aims to fix Bitcoin’s problem of mining becoming centralized. I got this Bitcoin Gold for free from the hard fork when it occurred, so I’ve just been holding onto it and waiting to see if it shows any signs of growth or adoption. I wouldn’t recommend purchasing this one yet.
  • Stratis — Stratis is a development platform that’s unique because it focuses on the C# and .Net frameworks, which are software development frameworks by Microsoft. There are many companies that have their entire business built on C# and .Net and they’re very comfortable working with it, so this will have big appeal to those businesses.
  • Dash — Dash is another fork (a.k.a. derivative) of Bitcoin, with the aim of making it easier to use than Bitcoin. Instead of sending money to a cryptic wallet address that looks something like 3K98t1WpEZ73CNmQviecrmqiWrnqRhWNLy, you can it to a more human-friendly username. Dash has a big network of real businesses that accept it as payment, giving it a leg over most other coins.

So there you have it, that’s my personal investment portfolio of cryptocurrencies. I’ll be posting updates over time as I find new interesting investment opportunities. If you have any thoughts on my portfolio, or any questions about investing or cryptocurrencies in general, please let me know in the comments below! And as always, if you want help keeping up with the crypto world you can see our weekly Lunafi Crypto Newsletter and you can sign up for email updates via our homepage at www.lunafi.com.

Disclaimer: I do not guarantee any results that may be obtained by using this information, and it should not be considered legal or financial advice.



Evan Francis
Lunafi Blog

CEO and Co-founder of Coygo, Inc. and Lunafi, LLC, cryptocurrency enthusiast, software engineer, alpine skier