Berlin, Germany

Updates and New Hires, June 2018

Miles Ornish


The Luna product team has been hard at work improving the Luna webapp MVP and scaling our operations in Berlin. We’re excited to present our progress with regard to both our growing team and our namesake product. Listed below are some of the most important changes, with a complete changelog for version 0.2.1 of to be posted next week.

Backend and the GDPR

The General Data Protection and Regulation (GDPR) regulations have come into effect in the EU. The GDPR gives EU citizens more control over the data that can be used to directly or indirectly identify them, like names and usernames, photos, email addresses, financial details, social network activity, medical information, and IP addresses. At Luna we’ve established compliance with the GDPR to ensure Luna users have agency over their data and protection against data breaches. Luna features an advertisement-free business model and does not sell user data.

User profiles

We’ve made improvements to both Luna user profiles and user profile interactions with the Luna matching mechanism.

  • Default profile pictures added to all user profiles without profile pictures
  • User search now hides inactive users with neither profile pictures nor profile content
  • Automated smart cropping added to ensure profile pictures of varying resolutions are optimally presented
  • Support for non-binary gender user profiles
  • “First name” user field changed to “Name or nickname”

Current and upcoming work

  • Be on the lookout for a revamped user signup flow, which has been completed and will be shipped with the next update
  • Geolocation support and user search filtering by distance to follow

Profile of New Hires

Kai Rathmann — Engineering Manager

Kai has a Master’s in CS and 7 years of professional experience. Kai maintains a strong focus on process improvement, agile, and continuous integration. At Luna, he has been improving dev processes by setting up and optimizing GitFlow,, and Travis CI. Kai identifies as an aspiring Rationalist, which means he tries to align his beliefs with reality as far as possible, by avoiding cognitive biases. You can learn more about Rationality on the LessWrong wiki.

* Could you tell us a bit about yourself and your background?

After graduation, I worked five years for a large technology services corporation and one year for a startup. I also gave freelance seminars. I enjoy the combination of technical and social aspects in a job. My new role at Luna has me split my time evenly between hands-on coding and managing the other engineers.

* How do you feel technology can be used to effect human connection?

In Germany, the slogan of an online dating portal has become extremely well known: “Every 11 minutes, a single falls in love on [this portal]”. Setting aside the accuracy of this claim, technology can be used to reveal new opportunities for human connection. I also find it interesting that a statistical view of dating as expressed by the slogan has entered mainstream awareness in Germany. I feel optimistic about Luna’s data-driven vision of creating meaningful human connection — as long as I can still write witty one-liners in my profile.

* What other blockchain projects are you enthusiastic about?

Have you heard of Bitcoin?

* As a developer, what are your favorite tools?

The Colemak keyboard layout.

* What are you excited about right now?

Right now? My next coffee.

Martin Schreiber — Technical Recruiter and Office Manager

Martin has come on board to manage Luna Berlin’s office space and technical recruiting efforts. He finds great coders and ensures they have what they need to succeed. He’s additionally been helping with daily administration and accounting in Berlin. As the Luna team and the Luna app grow, Martin will transition from technical recruiting to quality assurance to help our developers identify, report, and squash bugs.

* Could you tell us bit about yourself and your background?

I did my M.A. in Education Studies with a focus on adult education. I worked as a student employee in an adult education center as a project and course leader for about 3 years. In addition to leading the e-learning operation, I was responsible for tending to both participants and teachers alike, as well as for the development of new course concepts. After that, I served as an immigration commissioner in a German school before leaving for a parental break, which ended in me joining Luna.

* How do you feel technology can be used to effect human connection?

I think technology + human connection is a double-edged sword. Technology can greatly improve our ability to connect with each other over vast distances, and it can enable us to spread information in a heartbeat, which allows for connections and communications that were previously inaccessible. However, without the right framework for incentives, technology also has the potential to create destructive interactions and destructive interpersonal relations. But with a smart implementation, I feel that technology can provide new and greater opportunities to connect people who wouldn’t have otherwise had the chance to connect.

* What other blockchain projects are you enthusiastic about?

As a gaming enthusiast I like the idea of the Tap Project. This platform enables the easy handling and transition of in-game currencies via their own cryptocurrency.

* What are you excited about right now?

Since I was currently working from my home office in the evenings, I am excited to finally join the team in the office during the day.

