[52 Week Cosmos] Week 14, 2019

A Weekly Cosmos Ecosystem Update (Mar 27 — Apr 3)

Lunamint ATLAS
3 min readApr 5, 2019




Upcoming Events

  • [April 12, NYC] Jae Kwon speaking at Cornell Blockchain Conference
  • [April 8–14, Sydney] Sunny Aggarwal joining this year’s EDCON



  • After an extended debate regarding software upgrade proposals, the Tendermint team has recommended a two-phase software upgrade process: 1. Vote on proposed changes and 2. Vote on the released software + timing of upgrade. [Cosmos Forum Discussion]
  • A new system of voting was suggested for the two-phase voting system. An initial 2-week voting period for the first proposal, and an expedited vote for the second proposal.
  • ATOM Transfer Enablement v2’ proposal is in voting period with recommended changes by Tendermint. [Cosmos Forum Discussion]
  • Proposal #1: ‘Adjustment of blocks_per_year to come aligned with actual block time’ has passed.
  • Stats from Proposal #1 Vote:
    80% of bonded Atom voted
    Yes 99.26% / Abstain 0.41% / No 0.33% / No(Veto) 0%

Validator Updates

We joined the Samsung NEXT meetup to talk about Cosmos


Iris Network

Highlights from the Cosmos & IRISnet Launching Party in Shanghai

Binance Dex



  • Sentinel Q1 Update and 2019 Roadmap blogpost.
  • Q1 In Review:
    Total data consumed — 46TB
    Sentinel Tendermint Testnet 1.1 and Desktop Client v0.1.0 release
    Sentinel Android VPN entered ’50 Most Popular VPN’ category
  • What’s ahead:
    More releases: Desktop, Android, iOS
    dChat release
    Sentinel Relay Network prototype & TOR Node
    Incentive Models
    Token swap process
    and more



  • ‘An Introduction to Trust Architectures for IoT Devices’ by Matthew Gregory, Ockam CEO

Loom Network

  • Software upgrade to allow mobile wallet signing on PlasmaChain with Ethereum private keys successful

Did we miss anything? If you’re building on Cosmos/Tendermint/Cosmos-sdk, we’d love to feature your projects’ updates in the next 52 Week Cosmos. Feel free to reach out to us via email (atlas@lunamint.com) or tweet us.

