Build a Cryptocurrency News Site With LunarCRUSH, Namecheap, Github Pages

How You Can Claim Your Free .me Domain from Namecheap Education Program. Free Repository Storage with Github.

6 min readMar 13, 2020


Cryptocurrencies are hitting the mainstream media with interest from individuals, corporations, and governments. What if you could build your own Cryptocurrency news site with real-time cryptocurrency insights, charts, and social media sentiment? That’s what we plan to build in this tutorial.

We’ll start by becoming familiar with Github, Github Pages, HTML / Markdown language, Jekyll, LunarCRUSH, and Namecheap. We’ll build a website using Github Pages that connects to a free third-party crypto API, LunarCRUSH. Our website will have the ability to host 200M+ Collected social posts across all sources, Real-time, social activity, sentiment, and community metrics.

Setup Github

Head over to and sign-in or sign-up for an account.

Create New Repository

Create a New Repository

Repository name will be your Github Username +

For me, it will be ‘’

Click Create Repository

You now have an empty repository, waiting for code to be added.

As a simple introduction, let’s try to host a basic web page using HTML.

Create New File

Add code to repository

Next we will include the page name — Index.html

Within the body we will write:

<h1> LunarCRUSH Tutorial </h1>

Then on the bottom of the page we will commit changes.

View your webpage

Head over to your new web page you created. For me, it will be — as mentioned earlier, yours will be your

We now have our very own website created, now for the fun part.

Delete all your hard work by going to your repository settings.

Fork a Theme & Host on your Website

We are going to utilize the Mundana Theme from WowThemes. Head over to

We are going to Fork this repository onto our account.

Rename the repository to your previous repo you created… mine will be ‘’ again.

Head to the file named ‘_config.yml’ and remove the baseurl: value — you can edit the settings to how you would like.


Commit changes.

We can now see our web page has the content which we forked from the Mundane theme.

Go to your folder named ‘_posts’ on Github. Edit any page, I am going to edit ‘Welcome to Jekyll!’

Introduction to LunarCRUSH

Head over to and setup an account.

Next head to the developers section and click widgets.

Generate V2 API Key

Embed LunarCRUSH Code on Webpage

Copy your desired widget iframe code and head back to your Github repo.

Paste the iframe code into your code on Github. Make sure to change the API key value.

<iframe src="{API_KEY_HERE}&symbol=BTC&interval=1 Week&animation=false&theme=light" id="galaxy-score" frameBorder="0" border="0" cellspacing="0" scrolling="no" style="width: 100%; height: 300px;"></iframe><iframe src="{API_KEY_HERE}&symbol=BTC&interval=1 Week&animation=false&theme=light" id="wordcloud" frameBorder="0" border="0" cellspacing="0" scrolling="no" style="width: 100%; height: 300px;"></iframe>

Commit changes and head back to your web page to see the final result.

Configuration Options

It is possible to configure the widgets using url params appended to the iFrame src url. For example:

  • ?key={API_KEY_HERE} — Required to render the widgets.
  • ?symbol=BTC — Change the symbol that is displayed in the widgets.
  • ?interval=1 Week — Change the time interval being displayed in the charts (default is 1 Week).
  • ?price_correlation=true|false — Show a price line in addition to the selected metric (default = false)
  • ?metric=galaxy_score — Change the time series metric being displayed (Metric widget only).
  • ?animation=true|false — Show or hide component animations (default = true)
  • ?theme={See themes section for instructions}
  • ?scrolling=true|false (default = true) — Enable or disable scrolling on the widget inner content. Use this if you want to set scrolling=false on the iframe with a fixed height but still want to allow scrolling within the widget.

Bonus — How to register a Free domain via Namecheap Educational Promotion at

Namecheap is giving university students a free bundle to kickstart their online presence.

  1. Enter the domain you want to register and click the Find button:

2. If the domain is available, you will be able to claim it to the cart by clicking the Add button:

3. You may also add other domains at a discounted rate. Once done, click on the Complete Order button:

NOTE: The promo is available for the students with a university email address. You can check the list of allowed schools, colleges and universities here.

If you find that your university is not eligible, drop us a note and we’ll consider your school!
-Namecheap Support

5. The confirmation link will be sent to the provided university email address:

Additional Resources

Add Crypto Community Widgets To your Website

LunarCRUSH provides advanced documentation into how to host widgets within your website.

Testing your GitHub Pages site locally with Jekyll

Host on Github Pages from a private repo: step-by-step guide

Introducing LunarCRUSH for Developers + LunarSTREAM™

The Billion Dollar Industry Crypto’s Been Waiting For

<Our Vision/>

Our vision is a world where cryptocurrency education and research are simple and ubiquitous. Our mission is to provide the extremely passionate and talented cryptocurrency developer community the tools to build it.

🌎🔥🚀🌕 Your LunarCRUSH Team

