Introducing LunarCRUSH for Developers + LunarSTREAM™

4 min readMar 4, 2020


Data matters when you’re a crypto…

  1. Exchange looking to differentiate
  2. Fund investing on behalf of clients
  3. Custom app, news site, or blog building for attention

…and real-time data matters even more.

Seconds matter. At LunarCRUSH, we help cryptocurrency investors make better investment decisions. Unlike conventional stock markets, cryptocurrencies do not have earnings reports, traditional analysis like price to earnings ratios, or management. And markets are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

In order to access a cryptocurrency’s value, you must identify the momentum the project is building. How do you access that momentum? The community tells you. The size and breadth of the communication happening across social channels is a key indicator of whether or not the asset is gaining momentum.

When social media starts heating up, you need to make decisions, and you need to make them fast.

For our professional and institutional customers, we are happy to announce the launch of LunarSTREAM™, WebSocket API giving you access to every single piece of our social data in real-time. No more API calls. A waterfall of data is coming your way.

LunarCRUSH Developer Pricing

That waterfall of social data is full of mentions across over 2,000 cryptocurrencies. By leveraging LunarSTREAM™, you now have the flexibility to react immediately to news as it happens.

How does it work? We aggregate over 250,000 pieces of content across social media every day. In real-time, those 250,000 pieces of content are cleaned for spam, organized by coin, and analyzed for sentiment by our hand-trained machine learning models.

“Hand-trained” needs an explanation. The language in the cryptocurrency market is unlike any other market. When someone mentions the not yet Merriam-Webster’s word “rekt” like in the comment below, along with “$btc” it has a negative sentiment. Any off the shelf natural language library is not trained on this behavior:

At LunarCRUSH, we’ve spent two years training our models to recognize crypto-specific language. So when you say, “Monero is mooning.” We know you are bullish:

As LunarSTREAM™ delivers this crypto-specific, spam-free, multi-year machine trained sentiment, project delineated data…you have the ability to:

  1. Build industry-leading data-driven trading algorithms for your fund
  2. Integrate all 15 LunarCRUSH indicators into your cryptocurrency exchange charting solution like TradingView, giving your customers access to the best research tools available in the crypto space today

We’re not done yet.

Along with releasing LunarSTREAM™, we have revamped all of our developer tools by upgrading our Widget Library, the LunarCRUSH API and also open-sourced an implementation of LunarSTREAM™ into TradingView. With beautiful new documentation, standing up social insights on your news site, blog, or exchange has never been easier.


There has never been an easier way to keep your users informed and increase engagement on your site. With the LunarCRUSH Widget Library, you have access to all of our social indicators, including top-rated Social Volume and Social Engagement, and you have it across the entire cryptocurrency market. Simply grab a code snippet and you are off and running.

LunarCRUSH Widget Library

Check out our partners at CryptoSlate who added widgets to their coin landing pages:

LunarCRUSH Widget’s implemented on CryptoSlate:


For more custom implementations, we have lowered the price of the LunarCRUSH API with the goal of allowing you to deliver customer insights and experiences, so you can make your vision come to life for your customers.

The API has simple and easy to understand documentation and provides you with all of our available metrics, like the popular Social Volume and Social Engagement.

Our partners at CoinDeal have perfected an implementation of Widgets, LunarCRUSH API and LunarSTREAM™.

Check it out here:

CoinDeal Markets Page integrated with LunarCRUSH Social Insights in Purple


LunarCRUSH TradingView integration in “Advanced Chart” on all Coin Detail Pages

Adding LunarCRUSH data to your TradingView implementation gives you the versatility you need to create the perfect storm of trading scenarios. We have simple instructions to get up and running on our developer tools pages:

Remember you must upgrade to the LunarSTREAM™ before you begin your TradingView integration.

<Our Vision/>

Our vision is a world where cryptocurrency education and research are simple and ubiquitous. Our mission is to provide the extremely passionate and talented cryptocurrency developer community the tools to build it.

🌎🔥🚀🌕 Your LunarCRUSH Team

