LunarCrush API v3 is Now Available

Published in
9 min readAug 16, 2022

We are excited to announce that the new LunarCrush API has been released to the public!

LunarCrush collects, monitors, analyzes billions of real-time, user-generated data points across multiple social media platforms each day, and filters them through our spam-detection and sentiment-classification engines. We make this available to you via an easy to use RESTful API so that you can integrate our social metrics into bots, trading models, websites, apps, and more!

With the LunarCrush API, you can access real-time social media data on over 4,000+ crypto assets and 300+ NFT collections, as well as influencers, exchanges, and LunarCrush user opinions.

The LunarCrush API was built with 3 main objectives in mind:

  1. Provide a robust, streamlined delivery system designed to support automation for investing, trading, research and modeling on top of LunarCrush datasets.
  2. Flexible and scalable design allowing the imagination of developers to run wild and build the next generation of web3 apps.
  3. Make getting started simple and inexpensive with our new payment system. You now have the ability to pay with debit or credit cards, ACH, a selection of 1,000's of other cryptocurrencies across layer-1s, or get a 10% discount by paying with Lunr.

Ultimately, everyone is their own investor. The financial automation market is estimated to be worth roughly USD 7.5 Billion in 2021 and is expected to reach USD 19.8 Billion by 2028. We believe democratizing data and market intelligence is truly important, previously social intelligence apis were only available only to hedge funds or institutions. The LunarCrush API will enable the next generation of builders who we task with closing the the knowledge gap and allow a wider audience to realize the same type of alpha.

The LunarCrush API allows you to access aggregated collection and analysis on large amounts of data to:

  • Help uncover meaningful relationships across different data points
  • Optimize the decision making process and increase your range of confluent trading signals
  • Add another element to your research or data analysis
  • Build social-centric applications and stay on top of news real-time
  • Monitor coin, NFTs, exchanges, and influencer communities and customize alerts and notifications for your apps or for personal use

Our API v3 was revamped from our previous iteration after a great deal of both retail and institutional interest. We’ve rearchitected the API to be markedly faster with more comprehensive access to the full suite of LunarCrush data which we believe to be the most accurate and robust social data in the industry.

Latency has been optimized by streamlining data transfer and response times with faster calculations on computation-heavy metrics like Galaxy Score™, AltRank™, and sentiment classification. We’ve also added 40+ endpoints with richer, more well-organized data responses. Since the first release of our API v2, we’ve added over 1,000 assets across coins, NFTs, exchanges, and influencers — which are now available to you in more discrete formats i.e. time-series, aggregate, and asset-specific formats. We use the new API v3 to power the LunarCrush app, and are excited to make this available for our users to build or enhance their own projects.

Here are some of the endpoints that we feel will be helpful in creating your strategies, bots, and apps — along with a glossary of notable metrics. (The base URL for the API is available at

Metrics Glossary:

Galaxy Score™ — Galaxy score™ is a combination of four metrics — the price score, social impact score, average sentiment, and correlation rank. It measures the relative price appreciation between current and previous interval MACD (moving average convergence divergence), engagement and impact across various social media platforms, average sentiment classified by our machine-learning engines, and correlation of social media volumes and spam to price and volume. The metrics are aggregated and normalized to a scale of 100.

AltRank™— AltRank™ is a coin’s average of a few metrics relative to other coins — including change in price, volume, social volume, and social score.

Average Sentiment — each social media post is classified for sentiment on a scale of 1- 5, with 1 being most bearish and 5 being the most bullish.

Sentiment Relative — proportion of bullish sentiment volume to bearish sentiment volume.

Social Dominance — the proportion of a coin or NFT’s social volume with respect to global social volume.

Social Score — volume of followers, quotes, retweets, replies, favorites, comments, and url shares on tweets pertaining to a certain coin (or globally within the global context).

Market Dominance — a coin’s market cap relative to global market cap.

Spam — social media posts classified as spam or low-quality content by our machine learning models.

Tweet Sentiment 1–5 — Volume of tweets classified for sentiment on a scale of 1–5, with 1 being Bearish and 5 being Bullish.

Tweet Sentiment Impact 1–5 — sum of social score *see above on all tweets classified within a certain sentiment level.

Correlation Rank — Correlation of a coins social volume to price and volume movement, ranked amongst all tracked coins, and normalized on a scale of 1–5.

Transactions (NFTs) — number of on-chain transactions on a specific NFT collection.

Z-Score (Insights) — describes a metrics relative change with respect to it’s moving average at certain time bucket.

Prev_high_z_score (Insights) — the z-score in the previous time bucket to the time bucket the insight was triggered.

The /coins endpoint gives the user a current (at time of call) general snapshot of LunarCrush metrics on the entire list of tracked coin assets. Metrics include basic pricing and volume data, along with, Galaxy Score™ ,AltRank™, average sentiment, and Social Dominance. It is designed as a lightweight mechanism for monitoring the universe of available assets, either in aggregate or relative to each other.

The /coins/[coin] endpoint provides a much more robust and detailed snapshot of a single coin. It significantly expands on the data provided by the /coins endpoint. It is designed to provide an extremely granular look at the coin at the current time — and depending on the call frequency, can be used as a time-series or pseudo real-time stream of all LunarCrush metrics as it pertains to a specific asset.

Each call returns a current time-stamp of 60+ metrics related to the coin. The dataset includes the full suite of social metrics available on LunarCrush. Some notable metrics include: unique url shares, reddit volumes, tweet volumes, spam, tweet sentiment, social score, average/relative sentiment, correlation rank, social score, and social impact score. The response also includes the basic suite of coin data i.e. pricing/volume data, OHLC, percentage change, and proprietary metrics like Galaxy Score and AltRank. This endpoint is geared towards trading automation but can be used for a variety of other applications.

The /coins/[coin]/change endpoint returns all the same metrics as the /coins/[coin] endpoint, but relative to a specified interval prior to the time of call. For example, calling the endpoint with a 1-week interval will provide the difference in either the sum or the average of the metric from the previous time period until the current time period, e.g. most recent 1 week vs. the 1 week prior to that.

As well, the /coins/[coin]/time-series endpoint returns the same metrics as /coins/[coin], but over a series of discrete, memorialized time buckets (hourly or daily) over a certain time interval beginning at a specified start time. This time series endpoint differs from /coins/[coin] in that the latter provides real-time flexibility while the former provides the data at pre-specified hourly or daily timestamps, capped at 1,000 data points. This endpoint was designed to provide historical data for research or backtesting purposes.

The /coins/global endpoint provides aggregated metrics across all coins tracked on the LunarCrush platform at the current time. This is designed to be a global snapshot of the entire market, and tracks the same social metrics — e.g. url shares, reddit volumes, twitter, twitter sentiment, social score, social volume, average sentiment — as well a few metrics only applicable to the global schema like btc dominance, altcoin market cap, altcoin dominance.

The /coins/:coin/insights and /coins/global/insights endpoints return a list of LunarCrush Insights on a specific coin or on the global (aggregate) universe of tracked coins. LunarCrush insights are automatically generated for any anomalies in the data or for any significant deviations from the moving average on a specific metric e.g. bullish sentiment spikes 50% from the 90-day moving average. This is useful for providing notifications or triggering trading or application functions based on “out of the ordinary” movements of a coin metric.

The /coins/:coin/historical and /coins/global/historical endpoints provide a full hourly time series data dump for all metrics provided by /coins/[coin]/time-series or /coins/global/time-series endpoints. It is designed to be a cheaper alternative for grabbing full historical data (as opposed to a specified interval) for backtesting and modeling.

Our NFT endpoints essentially carry the same logic across NFT projects. However, it will be helpful to understand some of the metrics — for example those delivered with the nfts/[nft] endpoint. Like the coins/[coin] endpoint, the nfts/[nft] endpoint is a current snapshot of the specific nft collection being queried. Much of the metrics are the same but include nft-specific data like floor price, nft rank, and nft score. It was designed to provide time-series NFT data at intervals specific to the users needs, as opposed to the /nfts endpoint which provides a lightweight snapshot of the suite of metrics across all NFT collections, useful for discovery or general market tracking.

The /feeds endpoint returns a list of relevant, highly-engaged social media posts (Twitter, news, Medium, YouTube, Reddit) with the ability to filter by a specific coin or NFT asset. This was designed for applications who plan to curate their own news or social media feeds for themselves or for their users.

There are another 30+ endpoints available for use aside from the ones listed above — each highly useful in their own regard. A full list of endpoints and their cost in credits can be found in the documentation.

Getting Started

Getting started with the API has never been easier. We provide an intuitive interface for onboarding and easy-to-understand documentation for seamless integration with your use case. Simply navigate to the API tab under ‘Developer Tools’ to get started. Our platform will walk you through exactly what you need to do to generate an API Key, purchase/refill API credits, and start making calls to the API.


We’ve standardized the pricing and made it affordable and transparent. It is a pay-as-you go model starting at $1/day. A user will purchase credits which are debited on each API call. More robust endpoints will use more credits, but the logic is the same: buy credits, make calls, and replenish credits when the balance is spent.

We’ve also launched a streamlined payment module alongside it to make buying API credits seamless and accessible! Pay with credit card, LUNR, or any accepted cryptocurrency of your choice (ERC-20, BNB Chain, or Zilliqa). 2,000 credits are included with the minimum $1 per day, and additional credits are $0.0005 each. Pay with LUNR and receive a 10% discount on all credits bought. Buy as little or as many credits as you’d like to get started. Enterprise SLAs are available as well. Contact to find out more.

Build With Us

Some early feedback on use-cases and projects already utilizing the API include curated news feed apps, automated trading bots, algorithmic/self-balancing funds, NFT community management, programmatic NFT-sniping, on-chain integration via Chainlink/API3, notification apps, and academic research. However, we are excited to see how our users and our partners will continue to innovate on our platform. By empowering our community to build and interact with LunarCrush social data, we hope to make the world of crypto more transparent, fun, and engaging. Get started on a test run today — we can’t wait to see what you’ll build!

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