5 trends that prove enterprise mobility is the future

Stuti Changle
Lunate Technologies
2 min readSep 9, 2016
Handheld & Rugged Mobile Computers for Enterprise Mobility

Mobility has become a game changer for most of the enterprises that have already adopted the mobility solution for their company. The workforce mobility revolution is only going to be strong as we move into the future. For the enterprises that will fail to act, the competitors will get an edge and grow by leaps and bounds . For the pioneers, mobility is a secret weapon, as they could sense the revolution a few years back. But, as they say, it is never too late to welcome the change!

Trend #1

The rise of social media as a business application providing secure mobile data access and strong network backbone.

Trend #2

The fine line that used to separate work from home is getting blurred as people now love to work from anywhere if given a chance.

Trend #3

With the companies spending millions on innovation and new mobile device hitting the stores every month we are already experiencing the era of mobile devices at its best.


Innovative and disruptive business models require tech savvy employees on board to carry out their operations.

Trend #5

Employee expectations of the corporate IT has changed and they believe that its deployment makes performing tasks easier for them.

