6 Enterprise mobility trends to watch out for!

Stuti Changle
Lunate Technologies
1 min readAug 5, 2016

Enterprise mobility is selling like hotcakes in the IT industry. The trends in this field seem to be the next big what for the stalwarts and speculators alike. Amidst all the fuss on taming this dragon, here are some astonishing trends, that one can’t miss out on. Before you plan to give a nod to your CIO on the implementation of enterprise mobility, you should know why is it totally worth it to experience the future right away.

  1. The global mobile workforce will reach a whopping 1.75 billion in 2020, about 42.0% of the global workforce from merely 1.32 billion in 2014.
  2. Six weeks per employee per year can be saved through the deployment of mobility solution.
  3. It is predicted that in 2017, an incredible 3 billion new mobile devices will be sold worldwide.
  4. By 2017, at least 75% of all employee apps will be mobile first.
  5. Investors are believed to inject capital worth $61 billion on enterprise mobility apps by 2018.
  6. In the near future, enterprise mobility solution would be as important for the CIOs to implement as was the implementation of internet a decade ago.

