Is Bullet Coffee The Real Energy Weapon of Choice?

10 years later and the smooth blend hasn’t crashed? No Way…

D.A. Rutherford
Lunch Meat


Image by Pexels from Pixabay

A buzz-worthy history

Around 10 years ago, a man by the name of Dave Asprey was introduced to the recipe whilst journeying through Tibet. A local brewed a cup of Bullet Tea for the tired traveler. The experience was life-changing for Asprey and prompted him to develop a successful and far-reaching brand. Since then, Bullet Coffee has filtered into the mainstream market.

Going coconuts for grass-fed butter

Could it be possible that the tropical little bean we all know and crave has a buttery, performance-enhancing friend? Will this friend enable our beloved coffee to achieve greater heights? According to many, the answer is…yes. But what exactly is “Bullet Coffee”? For some, this particular concoction is a morning favorite, as it has been commercially circulating for the better part of the last 10 years. Bullet Coffee combines freshly brewed coffee with a pat of grass-fed butter, and the medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil from coconuts. This creamy combination of caffeine and oil aims to reduce hunger, deliver healthy fats, and even improve neurological function.

The recipe

