Love | Health | Kindness

The “I love you” Challenge

Do it every day for 30 days and see what happens.

D.A. Rutherford
Lunch Meat
Published in
3 min readMar 10, 2022


Image by the author

You’re Lovely

There’s an amazing exercise that does wonders for opening the heart. It can be an excellent activity if your heart has experienced emotional pain, a breakup, or inactivity. It doesn’t require a change in diet or an expensive gym membership. It does, however, require a bit of courage. But, what’s life without a little bravery?

It’s something you can start today, right now in fact. What is the exercise called?

The daily “I love you.”

The Rules

The premise is simple; tell someone “I love you” for 30 days straight. Here are the rules…

  1. Pick a different person each day to say “I love you” to.
  2. Before you make the call, send the text, or have the convo, think about why you love them. Dwell on their beautiful qualities and what they bring to your life.
  3. Allow all that gratitude you have for them to fill you up. Then tell them.
  4. Keep track of how it feels to continually tell the people in your life that you love them. Keep a journal or voice notes and detail the progress of the challenge.

