Go Full Billionaire-Mode With Polkadot on Lunie Explore Mode

James Ryan Moreau
Lunie HQ
Published in
4 min readAug 27, 2020

Did you know that you can use Lunie with your Polkadot address without even needing to create an account or use your seed phrase? Lunie offers explore-mode for any user who wants to explore the full range of Lunie functionality from a read-only mode. Why not feel rich for a day and explore the Lunie ecosystem from the perspective of a DOT whale? If you have not had a chance to use Lunie with your Polkadot account, take us for a spin using just your address and see what we have to offer!

A core feature of Lunie is explore mode with any network that we integrate with. For this example we will look just at Polkadot, but any network that Lunie supports now or in the future will also have explore mode that functions in the same way.

An added bonus is that explore mode works in any browser! Normally to use Lunie with the Lunie Browser Extension or Ledger hardware wallets you must use either Chrome or Brave to achieve full functionality, but the explore-mode simply works in-browser regardless of which one you use.

Jump In With Any Polkadot Address

First, navigate to the Polkadot network on Lunie using the networks icons on the sidebar or by clicking here. You will be prompted to select a method of accessing Lunie, and in the case of Polkadot, your options are the browser extension or explore-mode.

Once you click on “Explore with any address” you’ll need to input a Polkadot address in the field to proceed.

Just for fun we’ll try explore mode with the Web3 Foundation Team DOT address as it’s publicly available here on Polkascan: https://polkascan.io/polkadot/account/council

Immerse Yourself In The Lunie Experience

Now you’re in! Once you reach the portfolio page of the address you are exploring, whether it’s yours or anyone else, you can access any functionality enabled within that specific network. In Polkadot, governance and transaction history views will be enabled at a later date as we are continuing to develop the Kusama and Polkadot integrations according to our milestones in the Web3 Open Grants program.

The first page you’ll see is the Portfolio view. Here you can review the addresses total balance of DOT, the claimable DOT rewards balance from staking and the sending and the list of validators (if any) that the address you’re exploring has staked to. Check out that balance! Not quite “billionaire-mode”, but you get the point.

Take In The Enhanced Polkadot Validator View

Lunie believes that validators are a critical stakeholder in every network we have integrated and we provide a detailed validator page for each individual validator. You can view these from explore-mode like you would see if you were logged in with the browser extension or Ledger hardware device.

Have questions about getting started with Polkadot using Lunie? Want to know what’s next with Polkadot on our platform? Drop into our Telegram chat and say hello!

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Want to be the first to try Lunie Notifications? Sign up at https://notifications.lunie.io and we’ll be in touch soon!

About Lunie

Lunie is a platform that allows users to safely store, manage and stake crypto assets in Proof of Stake (PoS) networks. We assume that because you have landed here you are interested in learning more about Proof of Stake and trying it out. We’re here to help!

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