Lunie Integrates Akash Testnet

James Ryan Moreau
Lunie HQ
Published in
3 min readJun 17, 2020

As they continue their incentivized “Akashian” testnet, Lunie is very pleased to welcome Akash as our latest network integration, which will also extend into their mainnet launch!

We have integrated full platform functionality of the Lunie web app, browser extension, Ledger support and mobile(iOS/Android) for the Akash testnet.

Users can send and receive testnet AKT tokens, stake, un-stake, re-stake, claim rewards and participate in governance proposals.

As always, we’ve provided a comprehensive staking guide for Akash which you can find on our Lunie Help Center.

Akash’s CEO Greg Osuri shared his thoughts about the integration:

While a fantastic, decentralized network like Akash ensures sovereignty, it shifts responsibility for securing sensitive information to the user, which makes User Experience one of the biggest challenges for decentralized networks’ adoption. How a user interacts with a platform is paramount for the success of a platform, and Lunie’s elegant approach ensures a frictionless experience while not compromising sovereignty.

Akash portfolio view
Akash validators view
Akash governance proposals view
Akash transactions view

About Akash

A Cosmos SDK based blockchain, Akash is a decentralized cloud computing marketplace, focused on more efficient and low-cost computing resources for Web 3.0. Their serverless computing platform is compatible with existing cloud providers and aims to offer an alternative to existing major corporations who provide a majority of computing resources worldwide.

Akash leverages 85% of underutilized server capacity in 8.4 million data centers and enables people using existing personal computer resources and organizations to buy and sell compute on an as-needed basis. The payment mechanism between buyers and sellers of computing power will be powered by the Akash blockchain in a distributed and decentralized manner using the Cosmos SDK.

About Lunie

Lunie is a tool that allows users to safely store, manage and stake crypto assets in Proof of Stake (PoS) networks. We assume that because you have landed here you are interested in learning more about Proof of Stake and trying it out. We’re here to help!

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