5 Blockchain Trends That You Should Know

Published in
2 min readFeb 3, 2021

This article is originally appeared on https://luniverse.io/2021-blockchain-prospect-by-lambda256/

The outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic has brought down economic activities and is expected to take some time until full recovery. In the meantime, businesses are securing liquidity and cutting back on unnecessary investments in preparation for the next market rally. With the rise of digital transformation along with “contactless services” becoming the new norm in many industries, there are efforts to find new business opportunities with unique vision and mission.

2020 was a year of radical innovation for blockchain industry. Decentralized finance (DeFi), PayPal’s support in cryptocurrency trading platform, and the central bank digital currency (CBDC) was introduced, showing potentials make revolution in various industries. However, limited scalability and high transaction costs of public blockchain still remained challenges that need to be addressed. According to CB Insights, venture capitals’ investment in blockchain startups dropped by 35% (with total of $2.79 billion) in 2020, compared to 2019.

Regardless, 2021 is going to be a year of opportunity for the blockchain industry. There are currently more than 1,600 customers using Lambda256 products and more than 150 commercial services operate as BaaS (Blockchain as a Service). More than 300 companies have signed up for Luniverse Loyalty Point and Trace service, and more than 150 companies have actually put these services into their business. Until now, Lambda256 has been connecting with global clients, making efforts to solve various real-world problems with blockchain technology. Via these insights, we’ll take a look at five 2021 blockchain trends worth looking at.

2021 Blockchain Trends by Lambda256

1. The Sidechain Innovation

2. Enterprise Blockchain and Blockchain Cloud (BaaS) Market

3. New Business Opportunities following the Legalization of Crypto Exchanges

4. Asset-Backed Token (ABT) Market

5. Popularization of DID technology

You can read more in continue at here.

If you’re interested in introducing blockchain on your service, feel free to reach out at any time here support@lambda256.io.

