Luniverse Nauting Friends(LNF) Recruitment Notice 🏅

Published in
3 min readMar 11, 2022

Luniverse is looking for friends to begin a journey with us!

In the blockchain multiverse, there are so many amazing things; from small tokens floating around the universe to other main/side universes, blockchain is definitely a space worth traveling.

However, traveling in the blockchain is not simple — especially since we are not going to be restricted in the Luniverse. Our ultimate goal is to visit other blockchain universes to learn about their special features as well as to spread the advantages of the Luniverse. But now, we need more helps from friends, so we are asking you to join us.

We would like to call the new team Luniverse Nauting Friends (LNFs), derived from astronauts — space sailors. Luniverse Nauting Friends will play a significant role in the Luniverse community by sharing blockchain news, answering questions, or even chatting!

The First NFT Collection of Luniverse

Once confirmed to be an LNF, you will be given a badge to prove your membership. But hey, we are going to be travelers of blockchain; the badges will be issued in NFTs so that you will not lose your badge and lament for your lost membership! These will in fact be the first NFT collection of Luniverse, too. The benefits for Luniverse Nauting Friends — the holders of Luniverse NFT — will include, but are not limited to, early access to various developer content, future community events of Luniverse, and free consulting for upcoming Luniverse NFT platforms. We are also considering a community DAO and other amazing benefits from Luniverse ecosystem in the near future!

Are you still unsure whether you want to join or not? When you see our plans, you would probably want to join. First, we will recruit 256 Luniverse friends to represent Lambda256’s universe. The membership is open to anyone including those who do not have a badge, but the chosen 256 LNFs will receive benefits. Second, although we love our Luniverse, we are very curious about other universes, like Ethereum. Thus, we are planning on building a bridge to Ethereum within this quarter and other chains within this year! This means that your badge will be sellable on OpenSea — but of course, we believe you won’t leave us. Third, to demonstrate our gratefulness to LNFs, we will hold a community event. We can’t tell you much due to confidentiality, but the event will be amazing!

Come join us at Discord and share your thoughts/insights on blockchain before minting!

We want YOU for Luniverse Nauting Friends.

About Us

Luniverse is Asia’s leading Blockchain-as-a-Service(BaaS) created by Lambda256. Lambda256 currently holds 4,000 clients and has received $100M funding from the leaders of different industries. Luniverse provides a Layer-2 System divided into Main-Chain and Side-Chain. Luniverse’s high energy-efficiency is envisioned by a validation algorithm called LPoA(Luniverse Proof-of-Authority) behind the Luniverse Side Chain, a system that produces 99.99% less energy than energy-intensive systems like Ethereum. Luniverse provides a safe and unique side chain with high-performance — 2000 TPS, one-second block time, etc.

Visit Luniverse Discord community for the latest updates and discussion!

