Welcome To The Luno Medium Publication

Team Luno
Luno Publication
Published in
3 min readSep 3, 2018

Hello and welcome to the brand new Luno Medium Publication!

We’re officially launching today and we’ll be posting new stories on:

  • Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies
  • Startups and business
  • Design and product development
  • Economics and finance
  • And a whole lot more…

We wanted to let you know more about who we are, why we’re on Medium, what you can expect from us, and our vision for this publication.

First of all, what is Luno?

We’re a leading cryptocurrency company with over 2 million customers across 40 countries, and a team of over 250 with offices in 3 continents.

We make it simple and easy to buy, store, and learn about cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum.

The way people think and use money is changing fast. The existing financial system was built for a non-digital age, ignoring the needs of the modern individual; and is quickly becoming redundant.

Like communication evolving from landlines to mobile phones, or post to email, we now have a technology — decentralised cryptocurrency — that enables money to catch up.

Decentralised cryptocurrencies are redefining the traditional financial system to upgrade the world to something better: cheaper, faster, transparent, equal.

Upgrading to this new, better financial system will empower billions of people with more financial freedom.

Why we’re on Medium

We already publish short articles and updates on the main Luno Blog, but we’re launching this publication as a home for longer, thoughtful writing that delves deep into topics that matter.

It’s an opportunity for us to share what we’re learning, involve you in our journey, and take part in the incredible discussions happening on Medium.

Secondly, we’re big fans of Medium as a platform. It’s open to everyone, bringing together the unique perspectives of diverse writers. The platform itself puts words at the heart of everything, without needless complexity. Everyone gets the same beautifully designed experience, regardless of what device they use to access it.

We feel that Medium’s focus on simplicity and ease of access aligns with our own values. ‘Luno’ means ‘moon’ in Esperanto. We chose the name as a reflection of our long-term vision of creating an open, equal financial system that anyone can access. Esperanto was devised as a universal language, with the goal of enabling everyone in the world to communicate.

The moon is one of the world’s only constants: whoever you are, wherever you are, we all look up at the sky and see the same moon.

Photo by Benjamin Voros on Unsplash

Thirdly, we believe that education is a crucial part of building a community around cryptocurrency. There’s still a lot of misinformation, confusion, and misunderstanding around the topic.

By providing useful, objective information, we empower our customers to make better decisions and take control of their money.

Although we already do this via our Luno Learning Portal, global events, and email newsletters, Medium is the perfect place to take things even further. Many of the most exciting discussions around Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, and blockchain are happening on this platform.

Finally, Medium makes it easy for us to connect directly with our audience: to hear feedback, learn more, and develop our ideas.

Who we are

The stories you’ll see in this publication are a group effort from the Luno Team.

In the future, we may open up this publication to external contributors who share our passion for upgrading the world to a better financial system.

We’ll also publish stories from more members of the Luno team who will take you behind the scenes and share their insights on things like security, UX design, regulation, decision-making and more.

Learn more about Luno

If you want to learn more about who we are and what we do, take a look at the main Luno blog, or find out more about cryptocurrencies in the Luno Learning Portal.

We also share educational resources and updates on Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin, and Instagram.

We hope you’ll join us by following this publication and letting us know what you think.

To the moon!

Luno Team



Team Luno
Luno Publication

We write about all things crypto. Our articles convey the views of Luno and the many unique opinions and characters within our team. Tweet us @LunoGlobal