End of July Updates

Published in
3 min readJul 29, 2017

Welcome to the latest progress update. We’ve made major improvements to the application since our last announcement. The web version is buttery smooth and all of the components for the alpha are getting closer to ready. We’ve implemented profile features and have the basic peer review system working. Note: The peer review system for the invitation-only alpha will be fully revamped and upgraded in the Interstellar and Supernova releases.

For the invitation-only alpha, we’ll be focusing on evaluating the core smart contracts of the system and addressing all bugs in the smart contracts and UI. We’ll be paying close attention to user behavior, and then using that information to upgrade the system’s mechanics in the later releases.

Below are a couple teasers of the profile and review screens. The user interface for the Invitation-only Alpha has been greatly improved. We’re still making a few UI changes, but nevertheless we’re happy to say that everything is moving forward as planned.

We’ll also be fine-tuning the number of required reviews as we gather feedback. There’s a tradeoff between time and accuracy of the peer review process.

We also plan on implementing the mobile design below. The mobile version will be read-only, however, we plan to implement a write feature in future versions.


Robert Rapant (Software Engineer) has joined the Lunyr team. Robert will be working with the rest of the Engineering team to further develop the architecture and design of the Lunyr application.

Invitation-only Alpha Signup

There has been a phenomenal number of signups for the Invitation-only Alpha since the last announcement. If you’d like to join the Alpha then please visit the link here and fill out as much as possible. If selected, you’ll receive an email with further instructions. Please note that there are a limited number of seats and the sooner you sign up the more likely you’ll be able to participate

See also:



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Lunyr is an Ethereum-based decentralized world knowledge base where users get rewarded app tokens for peer-reviewing and contributing information.