Lunyr Dev Update — Fully Decentralized and Immortal

Published in
1 min readAug 14, 2018

Hello everyone! Welcome to another Lunyr update. We’re proud to share our progress for the past month!

Fully Decentralized and Immortal

This update is all about providing a fully decentralized app without the optional centralized usability-enhancement features from the main website. To that end, there are two major announcements:

1. Revenue

Lunyr used to take 15% of the advertising revenue to fund the company. This has been removed as we investigate alternative options.

2. Fully Decentralized App

We have been working on a fully decentralized app for interacting with Lunyr. This initiative will make Lunyr forever fully functional and available on the Ethereum blockchain.

We will be releasing this app in phases and you will be able download this app at the usual place:

Phase 1

  • Authoring
  • Reading
  • Peer Review
  • Wallet
  • User Registration

Phase 2

  • Featured Articles
  • Tagging
  • Feed

Open Source

We will release the code to the community for review, suggestions and enhancements

Note: The main website is not going away, you will just now have an option of using the fully decentralized app.



Editor for

Lunyr is an Ethereum-based decentralized world knowledge base where users get rewarded app tokens for peer-reviewing and contributing information.